I think i just impulse bought a turkey. Hm.

Nov 21, 2009 09:34

1. I'm running off to see a(nother) castle today guys! But i shall most likely be back before any of you are aware i am gone. ;PP

2. I actually have Thanksgiving plans! GO TEAM! XD

3. The M2 MManic MMinion Meme is still going on and going strong! COME PLAY! Or at the very least check out some of our amazing contributions (seriously, it's Saturday, you got somewhere else to be? ;3 *SMISH*)

4. GOT MY PUMPKIN PIE IN A CAN! Still had to buy a shitload of other stuff for it, though. -_- Did you know Tesco and maybe the entirety of Scotland doesn't believe in pre-made pie crusts? Or at least the ones deep enough to actually hold much filling? >.O So. Yeah. Tomorrow i shall attempt pie-making with less than subpar materials and a plastic spoon. I'm resilient. And i shall photograph it. We will call it Kooking with Klu.

5. FML.

kooking with klu, bitch bitch bitch, do i really need a real life tag?

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