clearing the nasal passages

May 23, 2005 11:02

I didn't know how much the smell of urine bothered me.
I have caroled in retirement homes countless times and
been only slightly taken aback by the rank of it.
Maybe it bothered me less knowing that I would only
endure it for another hour, but now.......
My sinuses are quite open, thankyouverymuch, and
the potent smell of old and undiluted urine
just hangs around the man. Can he not smell it?
Can his wife not smell it? Oh, that's right, I'm the
only one with a working nose!
I had to sit right here the other day, after he had
and about regurgitated from the fumes. At first, I
thought I might have just been smelling left-over onion
that I had chopped earlier, but that smell cannot be
mistaken. It was simply old urine.
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