My wrist was aching slightly, and being a responsible person, I decided to actually get off the damn computer for once. And then I...
- Swept and mopped my bedroom floor and was very smug about it, which was hubris because
- I had a celebratory iced tea and proceeded to spill the whole goddamn thing all over the living room table, floor, and oh yeah, my phone;
- my phone that was already wonky because SOMEONE spilled whiskey on it a few months ago :cough:lielabell:cough:
- so naturally I grabbed the phone and scrambled to the kitchen to stick it in a bag of rice, which whoops also involved tracking tea footprints into the kitchen and spilling rice all over creation;
- and then I had to clean off the table and mop the living room floor, too.
- and then I was extra grumpy because I wasn’t using my laptop for a few hours and couldn’t tweet about this from my phone, either.
...but at least my bedroom floor is clean.
(The phone is fine, by the way. It wasn’t doused so much as just splashed, and after a couple of hours in the rice bag I could hear it chiming with twitter alerts, so once I managed to get the rice out of the charger slot, it was all good.)
So the moral is: don’t get carpal tunnel. Let’s go with that.