So yesterday I changed my lj layout and made all much fannish stuff public for the first time in a few years. (The layout has a few quirks I'm not in love with, but I've never been able to wrap my head around custom LJ layouts. I fixed some quirky CSS on my own, but meh, the rest I guess I'll just deal with. Anyway:
queenitsy if you want to bop over and take a look.)
Just now, I did something that feels way more radical: I changed my default user icon. I know a lot of people change theirs frequently! But I think mine had been Blink/Mush "So I Will Hold On" since... senior year of college? Somewhere thereabouts. And I love it and always will (it's not like I deleted it, are you kidding me? Lord no.) But it didn't fit the new color scheme, and I like the new color scheme. So instead of something fannish, I went with a stock icon I like (see: this entry's icon). Even though I've cut down vastly on the amount of soda I drink in the last few years. Whatevs.
I've also started cleaning off the dust and cobwebs over at, my ancient internet home. (Seriously, I've had that domain since June 2000. That's even longer than this lj.) I don't put original writing on the internet anymore, which was nearly all of its content, and have outgrown the other projects that were there. So I think I'm going to use it to round up the fannish stuff I've written in various locations, fic and some of the more thoughtful squee/meta, and... whatever else I feel like. (I may also finally use it as an excuse to go through and delete a lot of my ancient, ancient Newsies fic. Lordy.) I haven't quite decided what the best way to go about all that is yet, so who knows? Given my track record, there's at least a 50% chance that this current bout of nostalgia/productivity will wear off before I do anything with it at all, and it'll sit in its current state for another four years.
And finally, because I can't think of a way to end this entry, here's a meme I ran across when I was going through entries yesterday and feel like bringing back:
1. Comment with any ship from a fandom that you know I have some knowledge about.
2. I will rant about aforementioned romantic pairing. This may be incoherent gushing or exclamations of disgust, depending on what it is.
(Note: Friendships and other non-romantic relationships are also welcome! Just specify if that's what you're looking for.)