Character Survey

Jul 24, 2011 07:50

Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is she heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
Well, she's a Japanese woman, so she can't be very tall at all, her son is 5'11" and he says she must see him as a giant, so I see her as being about 5'4"?
She is definitely thin, despite having two children.
2. How old is she?
Early to mid 40's - I'd say about 43.
3. Describe her posture. Does she carry herself well or does she slouch?
Quite confidently.

4. How is her health? Is she fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
Good now, but throughout her 20's she had an eating disorder, she has said that she didn't eat much at all, even to the point that her menstrual cycles were horribly irregular and few and far between.  She wasn't completely starving herself, but it was not healthy in any way at all.
She still won't eat as much as other people her size, but it's far better than before.  She's very selfconcious and insecure, so she likely never will eat as much as she should.

5. How does she move? Is she clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
With certainty/determination/without doubt/unwavering?

6. How attractive is this character physically? How does she perceive herself in the mirror?
Total MILF.
She looks about twenty years younger than she actually is, she's thin but with curves (especially the top half~), and her face has androgynous charm~
It's not that she sees herself as being unattractive, or that she is completely vain and must be the most beautiful, but she's scared of being less attractive than other women because of her insecurities and jealousy - because she needs to stand out so her husband will only want her.  So she spends quite a bit of time on her appearance.
7. Describe her complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
Light and clear.

8. Describe her hair: color, texture, style.
I guess you call that a 'pixie cut'?  Or close to, anyway.  It's boyish.  White/silver, soft?

9. What color are her eyes?
Black in the VN, but a golden brown in other media.

10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
Not really.

11. What are her chief tension centers?
Probably her neck and shoulders, she's likely bending over a desk and such most of the time.

12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does she have six of the same suit?
A lot of collared shirts/blouses, ties, suits, you're lucky to catch her in a skirt, she only does it to tease her husband.  As far as more casual clothing, she's seen wearing an off-the-shoulder sweater in the manga.  She seems to like long sleeves.
Her clothing is quite fashionable/hip, but not usually in the usual sense, for example, the shirt she wears in canon has diamond shaped holes all up the left side, if she wasn't wearing a coat, her hip and waist would be pretty well exposed.

13. Do her clothes fit well? Does she seem comfortable in them?
Yes and yes, she's a bit daring with her clothing and has no problem with it, everything is well fitted.

14. Does she dress the same on the job as she does in her free time? If not, what are the differences?
Mostly, yes.  Even her casual clothing is on the formal end.

15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?
Sexy panties and bras always, just in case Rudolf's going to see them. Yup.

1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
Clearly female, but on the deeper end of it? Like a lounge singer :u

2. How does she normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does she talk easily, or does she hesitate?
Evenly, a good pace, firm, but she can easily be light hearted and soft too, it all depends on the situation.

3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
Not really, most of the time she's fairly formal and polite, but she seems to like to mix in some informal speech - especially if she's teasing someone, then she can sound like her husband the playboy.

4. What language/s does she speak, and with how much fluency?
Japanese fluently, and while it's never said in canon, given her business and education backgrounds, she should at least speak English well.

5. Does she switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
No, other than what was said in 3.

6. Is she a good impromptu speaker, or does she have to think about her words?
She chooses her words carefully, but she doesn't have to take time to think about it every time she speaks, so yes.

7. Is she eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
Eloquent - see 3 again.
Honestly, hardly anything, I can't think of anything really, other than Rudolf stating he doesn't care about her or something along those lines.

Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is she book-smart or street-smart?
She's quite intelligent, that's her thing, bein' the smart one.  She is definitely book-smart, but also definitely street-smart, it's hard to say whether she is moreso one or the other, but she puts street-smarts to actual use more often.

2. Does she think on her feet, or does she need time to deliberate?
Time to think is great, but she doesn't necessarily have to.

3. Describe the character's thought process. Is she more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
Apparently she has a very good intuition, but she's also very logical, we see her logical side more often, and she'll use logic to back up intuition.  Geez, idealistic or practical...that's hard to say, she comes off as practical, and she IS, but there's still an idealistic side to her, mostly when it comes to Rudolf.

4. What kind of education has the character had?
Homeschooling, then university of the business variety.
Her homeschooling was...extremely strict and unconventional, to say the least.  Her family may be yakuza, and she was being raised to be the next head,

5. What are her areas of expertise? What, if anything, is she interested in learning more about?
Uh, well...manipulating and deceiving others...murder...extortion...  Basically, getting what she wants.
She's interested in just about anything, given the opportunity she would love to learn more about anything you could throw at her.

6. Is she an introvert or an extrovert?
Acts extroverted, but really she hates pretty much everyone who isn't Rudolf.  She's not shy at all, but she would certainly rather not be around people.

7. Describe the character's temperament. Is she even-tempered or does she have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
How she acts - even-tempered, cheerful, laid-back, humourous generally goodnatured.
How she thinks - mood swings, anger, jealousy, insecurity, selfish, driven.
:u Kyrie, why so much contradiction.

8. How does she respond to new people or situations? Is she suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
She's polite and open, she'll try to make anyone feel welcome - but of course she'll be sizing them up.

9. Is she more likely to act, or to react?
Act, all the way.

10. Which is her default: fight or flight?

11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does she appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
Pretty much anything.  Her favourites are dark humour and sexual jokes, especially when teasing someone about it.
Seriously, she loves to tease people about sex.
And giggling over doing horrible things to people. Welp.

12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does she deal with them?
She suffers from jealousinsecurebitchitis.
No, unless any of those count.  As said before, she had an eating disorder in her 20's, but she has mostly gotten over it.

13. What moments in this character's life have defined her as a person?
Her training to be the Sumadera family head was a big part, but what has left the biggest impact on her was when Rudolf married Asumu.  All that jealousy, anger and hatred, broken trust, confirmed insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, and yet absolute devotion and love.  If that hadn't happened, she would almost certainly be less fake, and much more honestly happy and kind.  But instead she remains bitter, and everything she already felt was perpetuated, when she could have learned to keep all of the 'bad' parts of her to the proper, business setting.

14. What does she fear?
Losing Rudolf.  Not being good enough for him, not being loved by him.

15. What are her hopes or aspirations?
Not much right now.  Mostly that Battler will see her as his mother.  Other than that, just furthering their business.

16. What is something she doesn't want anyone to find out about her?
Oh my god, everything.  I can't even find a place to begin.  How insincere and fake she is, her selfishness, jealousy, insecurity, the things she has done.  How desperately she needs Rudolf, her hatred of people in general.  Just, what a terrible, pathetic person she is.

1. Describe this character's relationship with her parents.
She broke off ties with the Sumaderas, other than her father.  Her father is said to be a good man who is treated poorly by her mother's family, he's another one of the few people she actually likes.  And strangely enough, it's not because he's a jerk.  She probably wishes she could be more like him and less like her mother.

2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
She has a younger sister, Kasumi.  When Kyrie left the Sumadera family, Kasumi was forced into Kyrie's position of next in line to be head, but Kasumi hadn't had any training like Kyrie, she had been a spoiled princess.  Kyrie's thoughts on her sister are not really spoken of, but 'spoiled princess' doesn't depict a very good relationship, she hated her, she was jealous of her freedom, and didn't care a bit about pushing her obligations and responsibilities onto her sister when she left.  Kasumi despises Kyrie for that.

3. Are there other blood relatives to whom she is close? Are there ones she can't stand?
She has a daughter and a (step)son.  She doesn't know that her (step)son is her biological son, she has mixed feelings on him, partially wanting to be his mother, partially wanting to kill him because she sees him as a reminder of his mother.  She loves her daughter...but mostly because she secured Kyrie's place as Rudolf's (second) wife and is hers and Rudolf's.

4. Are there other, unrelated people whom she considers part of her family? What are her relationships with them?

5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
She calls Leviathan her best friend...  Leviathan is the demon representing envy - Kyrie says Envy visited her in her dreams, especially during the time that Rudolf was married to Asumu and Kyrie cried herself to sleep every night~

6. Does she have other close friends?
See: hates people.

7. Does she make friends easily, or does she have trouble getting along with people?
She is very friendly and seems to get along well, but that's mostly fake, she has trouble relating to anyone.  She can also feel a bit high and mighty.

8. Which does she consider more important: family or friends?
Rudolf. :I

9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has she been married more than once?
Married, to the biggest womanizing jerk in the world~  He is great, he's hilarious, selfish, lewd and rude~

10. Is she currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
No, but he probably is...

11. Who was her first crush? Who is her latest?
Rudolf, Rudolf, Rudolf.

12. What does she look for in a romantic partner?
That he is Rudolf.
But really, she has only ever been interested in Rudolf, she will only ever be interested in Rudolf.  She doesn't know what she looks for, but she was certainly attracted to his selfish jerkery as much as or more than his looks.  Just like everyone, she would want someone she can relate to.

13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does she relate to them? If no, does she want any?
A son (Battler, 18, thought to be stepson), and daughter (Ange, 6 or 18 depending on timeline).  She teases Battler about sex a lot.  She mostly acts like a cool older sister, but wants to be his mother.
She raises Ange very loosely, few restrictions because of her own strict upbringing.  She's generally a pretty fun mom and gives plenty of advice and knowledge.

14. Does she have any rivals or enemies?
Once upon a time, Kyrie was dating Rudolf in university, he casually saw plenty of other girls on the side, but then Asumu came along, and he started to drift towards her more.  Eventually he married her while she and Kyrie were both pregnant, Kyrie thinks she miscarried when it was really Asumu who did.  So Kyrie dug her heels in and became Rudolf's mistress.  She cried over losing him every single night and cursed Asumu to death.
Twelve years later, she finally killed that bitch.

15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does she fall on the Kinsey scale?
Rudolfsexual.  Um, 0, she's heterosexual and again, is only interested in Rudolf and cannot be swayed in this.

16. How does she feel about sex? How important is it to her?
She is very open about having a very healthy sexdrive.  It's important to her for confirmation that Rudolf is hers, aside from just plain enjoying it, and also some necessity to give it to him so he won't look for it elsewhere.

17. What are her turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
...Rudolf...?  I have weird headcanon, no one wants to know them.
But one is that Rudolf's hair is damn sexy.
And John Wayne is too (because he looks like Rudolf???)
Rudolf's smoking is highly attractive, but detestable in anyone else.
Mostly just Rudolf being lewd.

1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does she fit type?
No...  Her fan birthday falls into Gemini, which is moderately fitting, there are better, there are worse.

2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in her life?

3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
Her morals are very low...

4. How does she regard beliefs that differ from hers? Is she tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
She doesn't really care about religious beliefs, but her beliefs in 'how the world works', she is unwavering in and rather intolerant of any others.

5. What prejudices does she hold? Are they irrational or does she have a good reason for them?
Not really.

Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is she rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
Though the company is having trouble, she's quite rich.  Both she and her husband come from rich families, and he is the president of a company with her as his 'right-hand-man'.  Battler describes their home as being 'like a mansion'.  They themselves don't have servants, but the main family of the Ushiromiyas has a huge number.
Also, if she hadn't died, after killing the family for hundreds of millions of dollars, she would have been...well, pretty damn rich.

2. What is her social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected her?
Aside from her period of dropping to being Rudolf's mistress, she has always been high up.  Again, she was to be the head of an old, traditional, rich (criminal) family, and her husband's family is very similar.

3. Where does she live? House, apartment, trailer? Is her home her castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does she share it with others?
Again, 'like a mansion', a large, well-to-do house.  She takes great pride in it and lives there with her husband and children.

4. Besides the basic necessities, what does she spend her money on?
Whatever she damn well pleases.  Not really a whole lot, she's practical and would rather save it, when she does spend, it's likely a gift for Rudolf, family outings, or books, things like that.

5. What does she do for a living? Is she good at it? Does she enjoy it, or would she rather be doing something else?
Rudolf's babysitter.  Something along the lines of vice-president of the company?  What exactly that company does is unknown, though apparently they have -some- kind of product(s).  She is very good at it and enjoys it very much.  She has shady contacts because of her family and is a huge part of what has gotten the company so far.

6. What are her interests or hobbies? How does she spend her free time?
Chess, business, Rudolf...
She generally enjoys reading and learning things.  Something challenging like chess is right up her alley.  She spends most of her time looking after the company, house and family.

7. What are her eating habits? Does she skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
She skips meals sometimes, but mostly she just doesn't eat a whole lot at a meal.  Again, previous eating disorder.  She drinks a bit, but she enjoys coffee or tea more than most alcohol.

Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is her favorite:

1. Color? Purple
2. Smell?
3. Time of day? Afternoon/evening
4. Season? Fall
5. Book? Ayn Rand things
6. Music? Lounge singers and crooners
7. Place? Kyoto
8. Substance? Um. What. Hairgel. Rudolf's hairgel.
9. Plant? She likes roses, but one could liken her to something carnivorous~
10. Animal? She likes cats...  She's kind of like a swan, beautiful but vicious.

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