I've got the music in me

Jul 20, 2005 23:32

I've been in such a mood to write lately. Everything I see, do or touch turns to gold thread, story thread. The world is filled with beautiful things just waiting to become beautiful stories... true stories about people and oceans and ceiling fans mixed in with cold nights and stick-on stars. I want to say I'll write when I get home but home is most likely a small,sticky room in New Orleans with poor light and a late night roommate. My new job as a 40-hour a week paper handler will most likely put out all my creative fire.

Wow, that got a bit sad.

Rephrase, perhaps my inside-of-doors job and sticky digs will conjure up a creative overflow I never knew existed. Perhaps it's like in poetry class when he made us write within the boundaries of traditional forms in order to increase our flexibility within the written word- my confining and busy situation of work all day class all night, read till you die will cause a new kind of well... rhythm.
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