Bearded Pawel, YOU WILL BE MINE.

Dec 18, 2010 21:32

Oh my god, you guys.

You know how I got a promotion? Kindo of? A promotion that involves more work and more responsibility but not more pay? Well yeah, that promotion is fucking KILLING me. UGGGGH. WORKING SO MUCH. WORKING ON MY DAY OFF. Last night I worked until 11pm, and then got the fuck up and went back to word at 8:30am. I may as well have just slept there! Under a pile of books! I hate everything. EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE.


Everything except meeks00 's latest fic, which is so great I can hardly even believe it. It is WONDERFUL. It has Walt and Ray and they are the best Walt and Ray EVER. Meeks is the kind of writer who makes me just want to throw int he towel, you know? Like, WHOOPS, there goes Meeks being far more awesome than everyone else again! But it is out of love and not bitterness that I say this. Love and adoration and shiny, shiny hearts.

♥ ♥ ♥

Another great fic I just read recently was this Christeson/Stafford piece by marycontraire over here. I love this for a number of reasons, including adorableness and awesome writing and so on, but I mostly love it because it seems so FRESH. I love our main four, but Gen Kill has got a LOT to offer in terms of characters and situations, and it's cool to see someone stepping outside the box, you know? Christeson in this is perfect, and I'm pretty sure I fell a little in love with Stafford. So cool.

Meanwhile, I am currently all written out. I decided to rewrite my YAGKYAS fic with one week to go (I believe witchling  has me beat on that, though? One DAY to go, bb?), so I did that, and then I may or may not have written another X thousand word fic AS WELL and now I'm like...looking at the prompts in the good cookie thread at combat_jack  like...I COULD write that. And that. And that. Buuuuuut. I'm not gonna. I'm going to go to bed early and...

Awww. I just looked over into the living room and my fiance is proudly sticky-taping christmas lights all around the TV cabinet. Awwwww. Cute. We watched Die Hard together the other night. (THE FIRST ONE. Not that the latest one wasn't quite awesome, but come on. The first one is the best), and it is my favourite Christmas movie ever, and the bit where Snape reads out "Now I have a machine gun...ho ho ho" always makes me insanely gleeful. Arrgh. I love my fiance at Christmas. He is adorable. We made my (Nigella's) chilli jam today, to put in nice jars to give his workmates for presents. I put ribbons and Christmas charms on them. We are disgusting. I love it.

Okay but really, I am going to bed. But before I do, can I just say how EXCITED I am for the YAGKYAS fics to go live? SO EXCITED. ARRRRGH. When do we reveal what we wrote? I am bad at keeping secrets! :D :D :D I LOVE MY FANDOM.


Aww, look, I managed to talk myself into a good mood in this entry. You guys. I LOVE YOU GUUUUYS.

ho ho ho, recs, die hard, now i have a machine gun, yagkyas, work, christmas

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