Sometimes I feel like there needs to be a Ray community, and then I realise that I've practically turned my journal into a Ray community anyway, and another would probably be redundant. On the other hand, I'm pretty lazy about internet things, and I always forget to post stuff I've seen and you know, make an effort in general. If I had a whole bunch of people posting to a Ray community, chances are more Ray stuff would get shared. Hell, it could even be a Ray/PJ community, although there already IS a PJ community. It's pretty quiet, though. And a Ray community would be a place to have nothing but Ray-centric fics, be they Ray/Brad, Ray/Walt, Ray/Nate (shuttup, haters:P), Ray/me (I'm still stuck on the Ray/me idea, guys. One of you totally needs to write a big old Queenie-Sue fic in which me and Ray get all freaky. I'm willing to pony up personal details!). Uh.
Now I've lost my train of thought.
Right, Ray community! Terrible idea? Brilliant idea? Possibly like MRE cookies, brilliant in theory but terrible in practice? HMMMMMMM.
So, FYI people who are on the fence re: The Unusuals, episode 4 opens with Renner in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs, and ends with him forcefully ripping off a hot woman's jacket and growling 'Take off your clothes and get in my bed." As I was telling
sharksdontsleep , I, uh, I had to pause it and go and take a little walk around my house after that. Just to calm down enough to keep watching. TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES. AND GET IN MY BED.
In other news, I've had a wee case of writers block over the past little bit. I've got a lot going on in my life right now - new job, just signed the prelim contract to start building my house (aaargh. aaaaarrrrrggggh.), footy season starting back up (look, that is a legit concern for a die-hard Saints tragic like me), various other bits and pieces. Mostly that doesn't matter when it comes to fandom, because fandom is my escape, but over the past few days I've been opening up Word and just wanting to CRY. So I go make icons instead or compulsively refresh ONTD or go play with my football dream-team or whatever. I have today off, though, so I'm going to sit here for the next however long it freaking takes and I'm going to WRITE SOMETHING. I'm not sure what - threesome? Brad/Ray angst? Brad/Ray as girls? I have too much on the boil. But SOMETHING, by god. Just watch me.
...If any of you want to spam this post with distracting images of good looking men in uniform, that would be really helpful.
Hmm. Brad/Ray it is?