Conversations between me and Trav part: I don't do these often enough to bother counting

Sep 15, 2008 14:59

Me, depressed: I hate my job
Trav: No you don't.
Me: Yes, I do. I hate my boss.
Trav: EVERYONE hates their boss.
Me: I hate my job.
Trav: No, you don't.
repeat ad nausium.

Text from Trav: Today's Sun (newspaper) has Nick and Kosi (St. Kilda football players) on the front, both with no shirts on. I can't bring the paper home today.
Reply: I'll buy one myself, maybe five or ten.
(he'll bring the paper home. He loves indulging my craziness)

In more work saga news, I hate my job and I'm depressed. We've got a new group manager and she's a cow, and I'm working on my day off AGAIN this week, although at least I'm getting a day off in lieu. Haven't actually heard anything about getting a day off for the one I missed LAST week. Also, I've had leave planned for WEEKS now, for around my birthday - now that has been DENIED and pushed back one or two weeks. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I NEED that time off so I don't go nuclear and kill lots and lots of people. I had been counting the days, guys. The DAYS. UGGGGGHHH.

In happier news, I watched part of You Only Live Twice, last night. Oh, Sean Connery!Bond, you ridiculous, mysogynistic bastard. I wanna Moneypenny your arse like crazy.

LASTLY. I changed my header to a crazily photoshopped version of the LynZ picture I took. Yay!



lynz, conversations between me and trav, footy, work

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