I worry SO MUCH about CRAP

Mar 27, 2008 10:19

I spent all night worrying that when I closed the shop last night, I forgot to put the money in the safe or, indeed, CLOSE the safe. I mean, it's really bothering me. And then I start thinking about OTHER, RANDOM things - did I turn the lights off? DID I SHUT THE DOOR? ARRRGH. I don't start til 1! If it was a day I opened, it'd be ok, but my boss opened this morning, so I'm gonna slink in and be all "...sooooo, I may have left a couple thousand dollars just sitting in the office, huh? How about that!" UGH UGH UGH. I was so stressed when I was closing, because it was one of those stupid days where nothing went right and the computer froze and even listening to The Eminem Show didn't help.  GAH.

BUT. I felt well enough when I got home to finally start on my easter chocolate. Not MUCH. I've only had half a crunchie bunny. But still. OH. And if I make it through today, I will have gone FIVE DAYS WITHOUT COFFEE.


I know, right? I'm the most addicted person I can THINK of. But I was SO SICK. I didn't ingest anything for 48 hours. And then I ingested VERY LITTLE. The thought of anything with MILK in it made me feel sick. So I just didn't have any! And, ok, I made one this morning, and the first sip was AWFUL. HORRIBLE. And it's just been sitting next to me going cold! I have to admit, though, I'm kind of scared about losing this addiction. It's such a crutch! It's the ritual I'll miss, getting up in the morning, getting a coffee. Going on my morning break, getting a latte. They don't call it a habit for nothing, folks. And my boss suggested I start drinking HERBAL TEA. I mean, WHAT. COME ON.

We'll see how long this lasts.

It's my boyfriend's birthday on Saturday. We're probably going to a strip club. SIGH. I'm going to spend all my money on LAPDANCES. That's bad. But lapdances are so great, guys! If anyone wants to come out on Saturday (we might not actually go to a strip club) my phone is working again, so I'm contactable. Also, he has a gig...sometime soon, I don't know. I'll find out.

We got our Harlequin romances in at work, yesterday. One was called "The Shiek's Convenient Virgin". I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.

UM. OH. I love The Hush Sound's new album so much! It's SO GREAT. I've been listening to it non-stop at work and driving my staff nuts! YAY GRETA. I don't know if I like it MORE than Like Vines, though, because there's not quite enough Bob Morris, BUT, it's still an A+!

(the less I say about the new Panic album the better, ok, because...well, the first album was AWESOME, and I'll always have that, right?)

The pics of Frank Iero's wedding made a few tears come to my eyes. JUST A FEW, DON'T JUDGE ME OK.

--Cheers, Beck

hush sound, jamia, emo, coffee, frankie, work

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