Pining FTW!

Jan 06, 2008 19:17

You know what pains me? It pains me when people sort of reluctently get into bandom, but then feel the need to QUALIFY it! Like "Ok, yes, they're all insanely pretty and slashy, but...THEY STILL NEED TO SHOWER AND THEY'RE RIDICULOUS AND THEIR MUSIC SUCKS AND GERARD IS PRETENTIOUS AND OMG IN ACTUAL FACT I MAY AS WELL HAVE JUST KEPT HATING THEM, I'M WAY TOO GOOD FOR THIS FANDOM!" Is this some sort of in-between stage? I think I was like this for about five seconds, before I realised that HEY their music is really good! DUH. THEY'RE ALL AWESOME. WHAT WAS I THINKING. Maybe I just fall way too in love with things. Stop hating on my band, pretenders! Or Bob will ninja-up your FACE.

...I don't know what that last thing means, but it's REALLY BAD, OK. (all of that said in fondness is ok, I guess. Like, 'jeez, Gerard, a shower wouldn't kill you!' although he is looking a lot cleaner these days. Or, 'jeez, Gerard, stop being so good-looking!' I dunno)

That fact that Bob exists, though, does soothe my pain. Maybe I just need to chill and watch that video of Frank on his shoulders holding onto his head for balance. About fifty times. My life, so hard.

My boyfriend gets back from being a rock star tonight. Did I ever tell you guys that Trav got me a g-string that says "Mrs. Iero" on it? Also, he let me put up a poster of the boys where I can see it from bed with having to move my head too far... Um. I have a very indulgent boyfriend, people. I won't talk about what he said about me and a Way sandwich, but it made me very happy and him very slightly ill-at-ease. Bless!

Oh! Further to my post about straight!Bob (and, hahahaha, don't you love that in fandom it's avant-garde and subversive to have a character who ISN'T gay?) mceesaid she would write it, and if she doesn't we must all promise to make like a barbarian horde and descend up her. I have many ideas! Most of them involve variations on Frank pining and Bob being pained, though. Maybe after a few months, Bob goes on a date...with a WOMAN! And Frank would normally think she was awesome, except his heart is being torn in two, and shit. Also, Frank is really melodramatic in love. I think we can all agree that that is cannon, right? Normal people don't get THAT many tattoos to do with their beloved, ok. So he's all "GOD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE IS THE OTHER HALF OF MY SOUL IF I DON'T HAVE HIM I'LL DIE!" and Gerard (Mr. "I get married backstage on a whim" Way) has to be the one like "Jeez, Frank, settle down, it can't be that bad." "HE IS A PERFECT RAY OF SUNSHINE IN MY OTHERWISE BLEAK EXISTENCE, EXCEPT MY EYES ARE BURNING WITH REJECTION!" Mikey doesn't help! I feel that Mikey would be all gloomy! "Yeah, Bob is straight, though. Soooooo straight. That must really suck for you." Frank often curls up in a ball after conversations with Mikey.


...except, I won't, because someone else wants the computer. BLAST.

--Cheers, Beck


fantasyland, frank/bob, geeway, bandom, mcr, frankie, bobcat, pining, mikeyway

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