Work got much better today. I got my data back from the last 4-sight test, and it made me look like I have been teaching because a lot of students increased their scores. Finally I can prove that I have been teaching, contrary to popular belief.
Oh, and I just LOVE the one substitute. She's from France, and just the cutest ever. One day she subbed for my co-worker, and we really connected. So any day when she is in the building, but not covering someone's class, she comes down and asks, "Is there anything I could do to help you out?" It's the cutest thing ever; melts my heart every time. Well, today I was really behind in paperwork and nervous because I had so many other things to copy... there was no way I could get everything done. Then she showed up like a superwoman to the rescue, said, "I have approval to help whoever I want, and I came down to see if there is anything I can do for you." I was almost in tears I was so grateful! She spent the day cleaning my room and she made copies of pages - enough to last me the next 2-4 weeks, at least! I would have spent maybe 5 hours throughout the course of the week staying after school to get everything done. Wow... I can't even find the words to express how thankful I am. It's so phenomenal when someone does something this wonderful, it really perked me up. I really hope some amazing karma is in her future, because she deserves it, hands down!
Then a couple weeks ago I ran into the new school custodian, and he was really a pleasure to meet. He's a young guy, and he seems pretty smart. Anyway, I have been pretty bummed especially when I have to stay late to work on things. He came in one day and we just started chatting, telling jokes, venting. Some of our conversations are pretty cool, almost like I'm living in one of my short stories. He tells me my room is the most well-kept room in the school. I take pride in my classroom environment, but I'm not very organized by nature. Gee, how do I mask reality so well, lol? It's really strange. Then he started leaving me little friendly notes or jokes if we didn't run into each other, it was nice. His one note said today was his birthday, so when I went to lunch I picked up an extra chocolate pretzel stick as a token of my appreciation for a spotless room and good company.
I had to stay late today to finish some legal documents. Thankfully the parent canceled the meeting today, because there just was no way I could get a 30 page IEP & 10 page ER, and 6 pages of NORP done in my 30 minute plan period. Well, my new found buddy dropped by and we talked a bit. I gave him his birthday celebratory chocolate pretzel stick, and he treats it like it's the most amazing present he's ever received. He says, "Wow, you know what. I haven't even gotten one gift today. This means so much to me." He's taking a trip to California this weekend, and he was joking around some more about if he wasn't able to see me he'd be tempted to put out an A.P.B. (I will admit, I had no clue what that was... got a little scared and had to look it up. The teacher learned something new today, ha!) Then it hit me...
I'm stupid. I must be stuck in hey-I'm-an-old-married-woman mindset where I feel like no one will even glance twice at me when they see the ring on my left hand. Why are guys like this... they meet me and instantly fall in love with me? I don't really think I'm that great. They drop their guard like they are charmed, then I wonder silently to myself what I always do to get myself into these situations? Damn it! Why am I so nice? It always gets me into so much trouble, even when the last thing I'm looking for is more trouble. I don't think my heart could handle it right now.
So we keep talking because he asks me questions, but I cringe because the more I say about myself... the stories I'm writing, the things I do, the more I see that enamored look that I've grown to shun. Then I show him pictures of my family, and I watch his heart slightly break. However, he still says, "Well to be honest. I will always look forward to coming here. I really can't wait to drop by my room to see your my beautiful smile, it just lights up the room. Oh and you just have an awesome sense of humor. You really are amazing."
So then I tell him I'd be interested in developing a friendship, maybe hanging out sometime somewhere else other than my amazingly cool classroom. He seemed to understand that, unlike some people, and be really happy with that. I hope this is acceptable and my honesty is not misconstrued. I guess I'll see. I only hope this situation doesn't end like some bad cyclical dramatic movie. Or maybe I'm just so stupid, and I should just accept that I'll never be able to have any other single male friends who aren't gay. DISCLAIMER: (
t_man215) you are the amazing exception to this previously mentioned statement, you are awesomeness in all forms.
So yeah, even though administration stinks... wow, the people I work with are just so amazing.
Also, the opportunity for me to go to China has arose! It's an honor. I've decided I want to make it happen, and I'm praying I'm selected for this amazing opportunity. Please keep your fingers crossed for me! It would be for the first 3 weeks in July. I'd be staying in a resort in Beijing, all food, domestic transportation, and $500 dollars toward airfare covered. I have to pay a registration fee ($200, wow...) and the rest of my airfare, have some spending cash and that is IT! I'd be teaching English, my passion, and be somewhere new and exciting... wow. It almost doesn't get any better than that. So my spare time these upcoming days are going to be spent getting everything together ASAP. Send some good thoughts my way; wouldn't this be amazing?!
Well, I think I've finally covered everything... the good & the bad. I'm feeling much better, big thanks and hugs for everyone's support through these trying times!