FBI FOIA: FBI Agent-Provocateur Mr. Tim Chadwick, Douglas Coe & The Fellowship, and Dr. David Powell

Jun 02, 2016 16:40

Miss Elizabeth A. Sherry
Brooklyn, NY
Email: dandypantsactivist@gmail.com

*** For General Release ***

Today, I filed an FOIA request with the FBI for records pertaining to deceased FBI Agent-Provocateur and contract ex-gay assassin, Mr. Timothy Chadwick, former resident of the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania.

Please see below for further details and for a copy of the complete text of the FOIA request.


Date: 02 June 2016

Record/Information Dissemination Section
Attn: FOIPA Request
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843

Dear FOIA Officer: ______________________

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

Date range of request: 09 June 1984 until 18 January 2016.

Description of Request: This is a formal FOIA request for release of records and related files pertaining to deceased person Mr. Timothy Chadwick, former Vice President of the Pride of The Greater Lehigh Valley, a 501.c3 non-profit organization that serves LGBT citizens of the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania.

Please see the following online links that confirm that Mr. Timothy Chadwick is a deceased person, as of January 2016:

1.) Facebook posting from The National Campaign For Non-Violent Resistance [NCNR], dated the 18 January 2016: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1005515209510261&id=184398124955311

2.) Community notice regarding the “Tim Chadwick Memorial Breakfast”, from Alliance for Sustainable Communities of The Lehigh Valley website, dated the 09 February 2016: http://www.sustainlv.org/event/tim-chadwick-memorial-breakfast/

It is alleged that Mr. Timothy Chadwick was secretly a member of Christian fundamentalist organizations, “The Family” and “The Fellowship”, and that he promoted an ex-gay lifestyle choice at the behest of Associate Director for “The Fellowship”, Mr. Douglas Coe.

It is further alleged that Mr. Timothy Chadwick was employed as an Undercover Supervisory Special Agent with The Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI], as well as an Undercover Supervisory Officer with the Department of Homeland Security [DHS]. Mr. Timothy Chadwick was also alleged to have worked for The United States Marshal’s Office as a contract “bounty hunter”.

It is alleged that on or about the 12 June 1985, that Mr. Timothy Chadwick was assigned by the FBI to work on a covert, state-sponsored extra-judicial targeted killing campaign, where I, (aka- Miss Elizabeth Ann Sherry), was the intended victim. It is alleged that in the year 2001, that Mr. Timothy Chadwick commenced employment with the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] and continued his efforts targeting me for assassination, and while a paid full-time employee with DHS and DHS-ICE.

It is alleged that Mr. Timothy Chadwick worked for the DHS as an Officer until November 9, 2014, when his employment was terminated due to misconduct. It is alleged that between November 9, 2014 until his death in January 2016, that Mr. Timothy Chadwick persisted in assassination efforts targeting me personally, and while acting on behalf of President Barack Obama. After November 9, 2014, it is alleged that Mr. Timothy Chadwick engaged in these targeted-killing efforts while employed as a DHS private subcontractor.

It is further alleged that in October 2003, and while acting under the guise of an FBI Agent and DHS ICE Officer, that Mr. Timothy Chadwick infiltrated the Pride of The Greater Lehigh Valley [Pride GLV] non-profit organization of Pennsylvania, of which I was an active member and volunteer. I was a well-known, respected and prestigious LGBT activist at the time that I commenced my organizing with Pride GLV in 2001, and as a result of my tireless efforts, Pride GLV was awarded official 501.c3 non-profit status by The United States Internal Revenue Service [IRS] in August 2004.

It is further alleged that on or about the 12 July 2007, that Mr. Timothy Chadwick, and while acting as a deep-cover Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], as well as a commissioned Officer with The United States Navy, launched a false-flag covert operation where I was the targeted victim. This false flag operation was allegedly coordinated with Dr. David A. Powell, a gay-male identified Professor of French at Hofstra University of Hempstead, New York, and the former academic advisor for the Hofstra University student Gay and Lesbian Alliance, aka- Hofstra GALA.

I am an alumni of Hofstra University and was the President of Hofstra GALA between the years 1998 until 2000. In 1999, I personally requested that Dr. David Powell serve as the academic advisor for Hofstra GALA, and while I was acting in a capacity as President of the student organization. It is my understanding that Dr. Powell remained the academic advisor for Hofstra GALA until 2004, when he took a position as Chair of the then newly formed Hofstra University LGBT Studies Program.

The alleged objective of this specific false-flag covert operation overseen by Mr. Timothy Chadwick in 2007, was to implicate me in a planned arson attack or bombing of an automobile belonging to Dr. David Powell. Despite the fact that there was no contact between Dr. David Powell and myself between June 2000 and the 17 October 2007, when the actual false-flag bombing of Dr. Powell’s vehicle occurred, it is alleged that the FBI and CIA engaged in a smear-campaign whereby I was falsely accused of being the arsonist who attacked Dr. Powell. It is alleged that the FBI and CIA authored memos and directives where it was theorized that I plotted revenge against Dr. David Powell, because he was the former Hofstra GALA academic advisor.

Dr. David Powell is alleged to have willingly participated in framing me for the bombing of his vehicle on the 17 October 2007, and in exchange for a $1.6 million dollar informant payment arranged by Mr. Timothy Chadwick, and through the offices of the Drug Enforcement Agency [DEA] of New York, New York, USA.

Please note that I have included a forwarded email (*SEE BELOW*) that is dated the 07 September 2009, and which provides conclusive evidence that a vehicle belonging to Dr. David A. Powell was bombed on or about the 17 October 2007. This email was written by Dr. David Powell himself on the 18 October 2007, and was forwarded to me by my ex-girlfriend, Dr. Laura Spagnoli, Associate Professor of French at Temple University of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In his email dated the 18 October 2007, Dr. David A. Powell notes that he was unable to attend a “session” at a conference at The University of South Alabama in Mobile, because his “car blew up in the driveway last evening”, or on the date of the 17 October 2007.

Please see also an archival link found at The Wayback Machine at Archive.org, that provides further proof that the 33rd Annual 19th-Century French Studies Colloquium actually took place on the 18 October 2007, and at The University of South Alabama in Mobile: https://web.archive.org/web/20070208163800/http://www.southalabama.edu/languages/french/NCFS_2007_CFP.htm

Lastly, it is alleged that Mr. Timothy Chadwick was secretly a member of “The Finders” cult, which is located in the environs of Culpeper, Virginia, as well as Alexandria, Virginia. As a member of “The Finders”, Mr. Timothy Chadwick was allegedly involved in acts of kidnapping, enforced confinement, gross-indecency, physical and sexual abuse, torture, and enforced disappearances, where child minors were victims.

Please search the FBI’s indices to the Central Records System for the information responsive to this request related to:

1.) Records and files pertaining to Mr. Timothy Chadwick’s membership with “The Family” and “The Fellowship.”

2.) Records and files pertaining to the relationship between Mr. Timothy Chadwick and “Fellowship” Associate Director, Mr. Douglas Coe.

3.) Any and all records pertaining to Mr. Timothy Chadwick and his involvement in ex-gay or ex-gay transsexual related activities and campaigns.

4.) Records and files pertaining to Mr. Timothy Chadwick and his employment with FBI, DHS-ICE, DHS (in general), CIA, US Navy, or any other United States agency or governmental office, where he was employed as part of an extra-judicial, state-sponsored targeted killing campaign, and where I, Miss Elizabeth Ann Sherry, was the intended victim.

5.) Any and all records pertaining to Mr. Timothy Chadwick and his involvement as an undercover official, agent and officer, with the Pride of The Greater Lehigh Valley 501.c3 non-profit organization of Pennsylvania.

6.) Records and files pertaining to Mr. Timothy Chadwick and his oversight of a covert false-flag operation, which involved the actual bombing of the vehicle formerly owned by Dr. David A. Powell, Hofstra University Professor, and former academic advisor for the Hofstra University GALA student organization of Hempstead, New York. This bombing allegedly took place on the exact date of the 17 October 2007.

7.) Any and all records pertaining to Mr. Timothy Chadwick and his membership in “The Finders” cult of Culpeper, Virginia, and Alexandria, Virginia.

I am willing to pay up to [$ 0 ] for the processing of this request. Please inform me if the estimated fees will exceed this limit before processing my request.

I am seeking information for personal use and not for commercial use.

Thank you for your consideration,

Name: Miss Elizabeth A. Sherry, (aka- “dandypants”)
Title (optional): ________________________________________________________
Business (if applicable): _________________________________________________
Street Address: XXXX
City/State/ZIP Code: Brooklyn, New York.
Country (if applicable): United States
Telephone (optional): +1 (718) 930-8067
E-mail (optional): dandypantsactivist@gmail.com


Note: See below for email written by Dr. David A. Powell that confirms the false-flag bombing of his vehicle on the 17 October 2007.


To: beardedladyfilm@gmail.com
Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 7:50 PM
Re: I can't come...

On Thu, Oct 18, 2007 at 6:22 AM, David Powell wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

Please forgive this group email. I'm writing at the last minute for a
little help.

I'm not able to come to Mobile: my car blew up in the driveway last
evening, and ... well, I think it's obvious that I have to take care of
many details.

I was supposed to chair a session later today, so I'm writing to see if
anyone could fill in for me. I'd like to spare Susan this additional task.

The panel in question is III D, 4:45-6:15pm, in Grand Bay Ballroom I:
Poets High and Low.

I would appreciate anyone taking over this responsibility.

Merci d'avance,


David A. Powell, PhD
Professor of French
Chair, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures
Director, LGBT Studies Program
107 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549

tél: 1-516-463-5485
fax: 1-516-463-2310
email: david.powell@hofstra.edu

Laura Spagnoli, Assistant Professor of French
Dept. of French, German, Italian, and Slavic
540 Anderson Hall
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122


tim chadwick, timothy chadwick, alexandria, cia, douglas coe, false-flag operation, the fellowship, ncnr, french, department of homeland security, lgbt, exgay, university of south alabama, hempstead, culpeper, alabama, us navy, extra-judicial killing, pride glv, laura spagnoli, us marshals, new york, christian fundamentalist, foia, agent provocateur, david a. powell, pennsylvania, child abuse, hofstra university, david powell, mobile, fbi, long island, the family, united states marshals, hofstra lgbtq studies, lehigh valley, the finders, pride of the greater lehigh valley, french studies, hofstra, alliance for sustainable communities of , fundies, hofstra gala, virginia, temple university

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