FBI FOIA: Trans Femme Activist Bryn Kelly, Douglas Coe, The Family & September 11 Terrorist Attacks

May 27, 2016 15:05

Miss Elizabeth A. Sherry
Brooklyn, NY
Email: dandypantsactivist@gmail.com

*** For General Release ***

Today, I filed an FOIA request with the FBI for records pertaining to deceased transsexual femme activist, author and beauty stylist, Miss Bryn Kelly, former resident of Brooklyn, New York City.

Please see below for further details and for a copy of the complete text of the FOIA request.


Date: 27 May 2016

Record/Information Dissemination Section
Attn: FOIPA Request
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843

Dear FOIA Officer: ______________________

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

Date range of request: 19 June 1989 until 13 January 2016.

Description of Request: This is a formal FOIA request for release of records and related files pertaining to deceased person Miss Bryn Kelly, a self-identified transsexual femme activist and author, former beauty stylist, and resident of Brooklyn, New York City, USA.

Please see the following obituary published in The Advocate magazine , dated the 18 January 2016, and titled, “Literary Community Mourns Trans Writer Bryn Kelly”, which proves conclusively that Miss Bryn Kelly is a deceased person: http://www.advocate.com/transgender/2016/1/18/literary-community-mourns-trans-writer-bryn-kelly

It is alleged that Miss Bryn Kelly was secretly a member of Christian fundamentalist organizations, “The Family” and “The Fellowship”, and that she received life-long professional tutelage by Associate Director for “The Fellowship”, Mr. Douglas Coe. It is further alleged that Miss Bryn Kelly obtained employment as an Officer with The United States Army Cyber-Command and the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], as a result of the oversight of Mr. Douglas Coe, and in regards to her career development.

It is alleged that Miss Bryn Kelly had difficulty in obtaining “above-ground” employment cover. This was allegedly a result of her FBI file having been flagged due to her involvement in various neo-Nazi and white-supremacist front organizations, and while acting as a dutiful member of, “The Fellowship” and in cooperation with Mr. Douglas Coe.

It is alleged that Miss Bryn Kelly worked as a deep-cover agent and covert Officer on various United States state-sponsored Christian fundamentalist identified campaigns throughout her life, and that these campaigns were officially acknowledged by the FBI, US Army and the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] as “ex-gay”, and/or as having had an official agenda that involved “curing” homosexuals and bisexuals of their sexuality by means of forced and/or coerced sex-reassignment or transsexuality.

It is further alleged that Miss Bryn Kelly was assigned by the CIA to several joint task-force CIA-US Army and DHS cyber-warfare projects that classified and lesbians and bisexual women of The United States, Canada, and globally, as supposed, “Enemies of The State” of The United States, merely based on their sexual orientation.

It is alleged that Miss Bryn Kelly was assigned by US Army Cyber-Command to work on a covert, state-sponsored and online-based joint task-force FBI-US Army-DHS targeted killing campaign titled, “OPERATION MYSTICAL RAVEN,” where lesbian and bisexual women were victims. “OPERATION MYSTICAL RAVEN” was allegedly operative between the years 1996 until 2009; again, between 2009 until 2010; and then lastly between 2012 until 2014, when the program was finally terminated. It is further alleged that during classified meetings held by The United State Congress in July 2011, that the CIA officially declared that “OPERATION MYSTICAL RAVEN” operatives had engaged in the unlawful killing or murder of United States citizens and permanent residents and without just cause.

Lastly, it is alleged that during August 2009, Miss Bryn Kelly was indicted along with Mr. Douglas Coe, for her involvement in actual September 11, 2001 oriented terrorism as classified by The United States Patriot Act [Public Law 107-56]. It is further alleged that Miss Bryn Kelly was involved directly in the enforced disappearances of former World Trade Center victims on or after the 11 September 2001. These specific victims variously identified as homosexual or bisexual, and were held in a state of enforced captivity between September 2001 until late 2004 or early 2005, when they were allegedly trafficked across the United States and Canadian border by way of Class-I railroad company “CSX Transportation”.

Please search the FBI’s indices to the Central Records System for the information responsive to this request related to:

1.) Records and files pertaining to Miss Bryn Kelly’s membership with “The Family” and “The Fellowship.”

2.) Records and files pertaining to the relationship between Miss Bryn Kelly and “Fellowship” Associate Director, Mr. Douglas Coe.

3.) Any and all records pertaining to Miss Bryn Kelly and her involvement in ex-gay or ex-gay transsexual related activities and campaigns that involved “The Family”, “The Fellowship”, or Mr. Douglas Coe.

4.) Any and all records pertaining to Miss Bryn Kelly and her involvement as an official with, “OPERATION MYSTICAL RAVEN”, and/or any related cyber-warfare campaigns where lesbian and bisexual women were classified as, “Enemies of The State” of The United States.

5.) Records and files pertaining to Miss Bryn Kelly and her involvement with feminist and transgender organizing in relation to “The Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival”, or “We Want The Music Company”, as well as her activities as an activist with the former protest organization, “Camp Trans”.

6.) Records and files related to meetings and hearings conducted as official business by The United States Congress and related to the activities of Miss Bryn Kelly specifically.

7.) Records and files pertaining to Miss Bryn Kelly and her involvement in neo-Nazi and white supremacist movements, and especially in relation to any FBI flags that affected her ability to attain lawful employment.

8.) Any and all records pertaining to the investigation into Miss Bryn Kelly for her role in September 11, 2001 oriented terrorism as part of her membership with “The Family” and “The Fellowship” organizations. This includes her role in the enforced disappearances of homosexual and bisexual identified persons who were victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

I am willing to pay up to [$ 0 ] for the processing of this request. Please inform me if the estimated fees will exceed this limit before processing my request.

I am seeking information for personal use and not for commercial use.

Thank you for your consideration,

Name: Miss Elizabeth A. Sherry, (aka- “dandypants”)

Title (optional): ________________________________________________________

Business (if applicable): _________________________________________________

Street Address: XXXX

City/State/ZIP Code: Brooklyn, New York, 11205

Country (if applicable): United States

Telephone (optional): +1 (718) 930-8067

E-mail (optional): dandypantsactivist@gmail.com

bryn kelly, cyberwar, transgender, cia, douglas coe, psychological operations, christian fundamentalists, white supremacy, the fellowship, foia, lgbt, department of homeland security, trans, exgay, mwmf, lesbian, fbi, us army, exgaytrans, the family, transsexual, michfest, neo-nazi, fundies, lesbian genocide, camp trans

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