close your eyes just settle

Feb 12, 2005 23:08


funny things from today:

after work, right as raffy and i were leaving, she did the zoolander thing when he pops out w/ the black makeup on his face in the cave. lmfao so unexpected and hilarious.

then we were driving to get ppl and this lady pulls out liek 1/2 way into the street to "edge up" and we're freakin out.
"stupid nigger"
"thats y i didnt see her!"
"but she's in a golden mini van!"

Hitched... funny movie

and finally, i was just on the phone w/ michael...
"so i was working w/ raksmay today and i looked over at him building (a shelf or sumthing) and all i hear is him saying "nigger..... nigger... nigger... nigger" in no particular rhythm, just in rapid fire."
*me cracking up*
"then he started saying "titties" ... "titties ... titties... nigger ... titties" roflmao. i think this one's winning.
raksmay no raksmays back

over and out,
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