Jul 08, 2016 13:26
It's certainly been a while.
A lot - I mean a lot - of shit happened to me. The majority of it I've moved on from. I've taken steps to improve my physical and mental health, with measurable success. I've taught myself a small measure of self-discipline. I've cut toxic relationships out of my life and cultivated new friendships. I've curbed a few of my more selfish impulses and made efforts to be more considerate of people's feelings. It's not perfect, but it's progress. And I'm happier as a result.
I still have my social media locked down for a very good reason, and I think I'm going to keep it that way. There's not much point to LiveJournal for me anymore - I basically live on Twitter, and I keep a private diary for my longer thoughts. Anyone who follows me on here is probably following me on Twitter anyway. I have no intention whatsoever to acquire a Facebook page or Instagram or Snapchat or whatever newfangled technology the kids use today *shakes cane*. My Tumblr is open, but that's, y'know, just stuff.
That said, this, I think, will be my last LiveJournal post, public or private.
Thanks for reading over the years.