Feb 07, 2006 13:51
I was reading in my schools newspaper that what we type in our online blogs is no longer considered "private" to the court system. I also read that employers can now go online & read whats in your blogs to determine your character. Not only that, but their encouraged to do so. My response? Um, wehn was I typed online ever considered private? Its online for millions to see. I dont really care who comes on here & reads this, even employers. If my manager really wants to read about Trey, and the wedding, and about how I cant stand his stepmom, by all means they have evry right to. As for using blog to determine character, I think thats kind of silly. People are usually going to write freely about how they feel about things & about whats going on in their lives. Unless your the type whos lies to your diary, then most people arent going to hold back when they write in these things. Im not so sure that should determine what kind of work ethic that person is going to have. For instance, in my blogs I tend to bitch & rant alot about everyday life, but that doesnt mean when I go to work that all im going to do is bitch at customers & rant to my fellow co-workers about how awful things are. Either way I dont really care. Im pretty sure Sears doesnt have any interest in reading my blogs and if they ever do I dont really care. Im fairly sure that I havent posted anything that could get me fired or that could make them uncomfortabe about having me work for them. As ive said before, I dont care who reads my blogs. I wouldnt even care if people like Carl were reading them to spy on me. The only thing I cae about are the people who read blogs & check out profiles just so they can find things to bitch about & so they can try & make that person look bad. I dont shell out the dirty details of my life because I feel that I should keep some things to myself & to my memories.