Not (Good) Enough For a Love Song

Apr 18, 2008 06:24

It is a hit or miss. Life. Love. And GOOD no longer prevails. It turns out that it never has. Who has the power, the fame, the final word to change things? The subway guitarist trying to promote peace with his melodies? Or the politico man with the big office and evil ways? That's what I thought. Who gets the engagement ring on her finger along with all the stability that comes with it? The good girl who stays by his side no matter what, who sticks through it all, even the scary parts? Or the girl who doesn't stand for all that shit, and leaves as she pleases? Exactly. Being a "good girl" is SO last century. Didn't you get the memo? Selfishness conquers! It only makes sense! It only makes sense that when you choose to devote yourself to someone that you don't get the same treatment. It only makes sense that said devotion & loyalty & love is not enough to inspire the other's favorite passion. Is it so much to ask to be wanted the way he's wanted before, even better? Is it so much to ask to be loved the way he's loved before, even better? Is it so much to ask to be cared for the way I would like to be cared for? I care. Is it so much to ask to not share, to be mine, and especially love me?

I only wish it were easy...

But in the end, what the hell. It was sad before, it's even sadder now. What makes that sadness even worse is knowing that someone would consider letting YOU go. That they do/did not care enough to work things out, even though that's all you've been trying to do. Well fuck. Everything you've worked toward, all the time you invested, all the effort you put in..all goes unnoticed, unappreciated, and dismissed. Not only do all your efforts seem worthless, they are also completely dismissed. That is the most heart-rending shit of all.

(Who do I need to speak to about getting a refund?)

In the end, who will be missed? The good, highly tolerant, self-sacrificing, completely giving, always there/by your side (even when she really, really didn't have to be), ever loving girl? Or will all the other ones, the ones who probably wouldn't give as much of a shit, be missed? I'll say it again..good no longer wins. They won't care and the sad ones are left feeling misunderstood.

But I have one last concern...

who's gonna drive me home, tonight?
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