FF7 ~ Fanart pimp 004

Sep 11, 2005 18:51

Artist: cyberhell
Characters: Cloud Strife and Zack
Disclaimer: they belongs to Square Enix T_T <3
Note: It's been a long time since the last time I draw something this serious ~_~; I hope my skill haven't rusted yet... XD; btw, if you have no idea on who Zack is, then I shall note this as a spoiler? just incase someone out there haven't played the game or anything and doesn't want a spoiler...
Rating: PG-15 (for a bit of gore-ness and dark)

"Give my regard to her, Cloud..."

"And tell her...

That I'm sorry...

I'm not be able to come back this time."

sue me for not be able to draw guns lol XD;;; *hides the drawing behind the tones* anyway, for the 3rd panel there, I guess that Zack also have his own jenova form? o.o since Hojo and Sephiroth have their own from (even though the game didn't show what Zack's form look like...). But anyway, hope you like the one page art XD~
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