FF7 ~ TURKS Fanart pimp 003

Sep 03, 2005 06:06

Artist: cyberhell
Characters: Rude+Reno, Tseng (kinda)
Disclaimer: I dont own them, they all belongs to Square Enix
Note: an oekaki fanart XD; took me around 15 - 20 mins to finish, so it's gonna be messy ^^; oh, and there's a light boys-love! If you're not comfortable with yaoi/shounen-ai, just ignore this post or simply proceed with cautions.
Rating: PG-13 (for a light hugging)

Reno: I bet Tseng will snap when he read this part
Rude: ......

I think it's the obvious, isnt it? XD;;; lol <3

[Edit 1] Waaa~ gomen X_x; I didn't know that this piccus will be confusing XD; anyway, the story of the piccus are:
Rude and Reno were doing their reports to be handed in (and Tseng want the report that day). Reno was writing the report abstractly and not doing it seriously. Rude told him to redo the report again but Reno refused XD; So Rude tried to force him doing the report... Reno felt pissed off and bite Rude's head *lol* Then after a while, Rude walked toward Tseng's office and hand the reports in. Tseng was staring at the bite mark on Rude's head with a blank face whilst Rude can't really explain what hav happened XD;

pls dont steal, or I'll change to Sephiroth and chases you around like a mad-man ~_~;
Comments are mostyl appreciated XD <3
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