Three months today...

Feb 15, 2006 14:11

So I haven't updated for a while. Been busy and stuff.

So to recap on the last month. Hmmmm. Well today is Jason and I's 3 month anniversary. Tonight we are going out to a posh restaurant to have a nice romantic night out together. I am really looking forward to it. And I know some of youmay roll your eyes at celebrating a 3 month aniv but for those who know me very well, you'll know that I live my life day by day after losing a friend who was young and had a great life ahead of her - so I adopted the motto of living for the now. So I want to celebrate this milestone for us because it is a big one for me. This is the longest relationship I have had thus far (by the way - people don't use the word "thus" enough these days").

I can't say these 3 months haven't had their ups and downs, but it wouldn't be a relationship if you didn't have to work at it. But I can say with steadfast conviction that this has been the happiest I have been in my life. Jason treats me right, makes me feel great about myself and is such a wonderful person to be with. I am really happy about where I am at at the moment.

Yesterday was Valentines Day - he sent me half a dozen red roses. I was so excited. I was shaking as I put them in water. It was the best thing ever!!! No boy has ever bought me flowers and I can say, it melted my heart when I got them. Yes I went all chicky and gooey and soppy over flowers hehe.

Last week had to go to a funeral for an old family friend. Ali and I went to primary school with his kids. He was a cop, a police prosecuter more so, and was in the force for 31 years. The funeral was at the police academy in Glen Waverley. It was full on. In this huge chapel and then all the police present formed a guard of honour along the road outside. It was really full on and very emotional.

Other than those big news items I have been looking for a new job. Big W just isn't cutting it hours and pay wise. I need a full time job. And due to this - I have had to put my UK adventure on hold for a bit longer. I have no money. I have enough for the ticket but thats it. I need to have spending/living money and also money to cover my financial committments back here. Argh its very frustrating. I am so torn between fulfilling my dreams of a long time and going o/s and staying here with Jason. I guess I will just wait and see if I get another job and how much I can save. If I still have this fire in me that says to me go off on your big adventure then I guess I will have to address it with Jason then. Its not a day I'm looking forward to. But maybe I will change my mind, find an awesome job here and stay. If thats the case then the o/s adventure will be scaled down to a holiday to see family and friends. To be honest I don't really want to think about it all that much right now. As I said above, this is the happiest I have been and I don't want to spoil it.

Got a few extra valentines yesterday - one from Cami and one from Jenna. Its tradtion that we chickies send one to each other - especially cos none of us used to have anyone really to send them too. But its also a chance to tell them that I love them. Poeple don't tell each other that enough these days - and you never know when you won't get the chance again. So to finish this very long update I want to say that I love you guys - you are all special friends to me for many and varied reasons. You all mean a whole lot to me. Happy Val's for yesterday, but even if it wasn't - I love ya's anyway :o)
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