Hey guys
So Zach came over today to make some homemade cinnamon rolls-like from scratch- and my apartment smells amazing. I gotta tell you- I love that boy. His recipe made a lot, so he gave me a pan full, and they are incredibly good. We had a lot of fun today. He helped me make my candy trains for my 4th graders, and then while he made the cinnamon rolls, I took a nap. It was a pretty great day. My candy trains are so cute. I’m going to give them to my kids after reading Polar Express on my last day (Wednesday).
Today in the Nac paper, there is an article about one of our big internship projects. I’m gonna post a link here, so if you want to read it you can. We had to do advocacy projects with a group. My group’s project was the “Mom’s Night Out.”
http://www.dailysentinel.com/news/content/news/stories/2006/12/03/sfa_12_3_advocacy.html So, I have finals this week, and I have decided that I would much rather have a final with a 10 page review, as opposed to my situation of “study social studies/math/science concepts.” I hate not having a clue what to study. Someone asked for specifics from my social studies teacher, and he said to study the biographies and glossaries. People, that is over 100 pages filled with significant dates and people in US/Texas history. There is no way I could possibly memorize that many things. Insanity. On the plus side, these are my last finals as an undergrad. There aren’t really finals for student teaching. Granted- there’s all kinds of craziness, but no finals, I don’t think.
Big news- I find out where I will be student teaching on Friday. Terrifying and exciting all at the same time.
But I’d better go figure out some way to study for “math concepts and professional responsibilities” Have a great week on finals and good luck:)