(no subject)

Oct 23, 2006 02:49

So, I realized today that I am such a hypocrite. I wake up in the morning and check 3 things as soon as I get out of the shower:
1. email
2. xanga/ livejournal
3. MSN news feed.

Now, when I check my xanga/ livejournal, my usual response is “jeez…no one is writing anything” and then this morning… (I know, took me a while) I finally realized what a hypocrite I am griping about no one else writing, when I myself have not written anything of substance since mid summer. Ridiculous.

So, This weekend, I took my TexES generalist. So, cross your fingers I passed so I can be certified to teach. I kinda need the certification so I can get a job in a few months.

I am LOVING teaching 4th grade (2 days a week). I can be myself and I don’t have to sugarcoat everything. I love just being real, and teaching cool stuff. Think about the books that 4th graders can read. Awesome stuff. I can really get into the literature, the math is interesting, social studies is finally more than “and the pilgrims were best friends with the native Americans”… I definitely think I’ve found my calling.

My sister got married a month ago. It was so much fun, and so beautiful. Everything was so great. :) I could go on easily, but basically Id be saying the same things. I love my brother in law, my sister was beautiful, and I have never seen her happier. and I gotta say it, I looked good too;-) haha

I took on way to much this semester though- Im interning 2 full days a week, class 2 full days a week, and working any second Im not in class or interning. Then add in president of an honor society, and church (which I was the children’s choir director for a few weeks- long story) and I’ve got no social life. Saturday, I missed the homecoming game cause the national rep for our honor society wanted to meet with the officers, and she could only come on Saturday. She could either come that morning or that afternoon, so I had my pick- miss the TexES test, or miss the homecoming game…blah.

Speaking of uncool stuff. I got stung by a bee for the first time in my life on Tuesday, and in true Hayley fashion it did go screwy- The bee flew between my flip flop and my foot and stung the bottom of my toe. And to follow in true Hayley fashion, my foot didn’t just swell up a little bit- my foot (like my whole foot-toes almost to my ankle) was swollen to a crazy size and turned purple for 4 days. Lol, I couldn’t walk very well, and I couldn’t wear tennis shoes since my foot was so swollen, and people were all like “holy crap, what did you do to your foot” yeah… I got a bee sting. I had to go to the quack shack and say the phrase “ I got a bee sting 2 days ago, and it hurts” I felt like such a pathetic wimp, but then the doc prescribed me penicillin and said “geez, that’s insane that this is from a bee sting” , and my foot is less freaky looking now.

On a brighter note- my TV shows are so awesome this season. DVR is the best birthday present ever, haha. I can record everything and watch it when I finally get home at night. There is no other way I could watch as many shows as I do. I have pretty much 2 shows every night of the week that I “cant miss.”

On Wednesday, I get to teach a ton of third graders how to play a pump organ. How cool will that be? Nac has this old historical village that has things like a church, school house and farm equipment from the 1800’s. Kids get to find out what it was like for kids their age 2 hundred years ago. All of the intern II’s will be teaching/ leading a different area. Some people will be part of a “wax museum” and dress up as historical people from this area. Some will teach kids in the school house, the way they were taught back in the day. (where there are some CRAZY books they used to read.) I’ll be in the church teaching how to play the pump organ.

Well, I have a social studies lesson to teach tomorrow morning, so Id better go finish getting it together.
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