Hey, so now I'm That Person who posts like, once a month? And I don't even really have an excuse; considering that I'm working two jobs, I've actually got a decent amount of time off. I guess I've just been doing stuff besides hanging around the internet -- I went home to visit my family for a while, and then went to Niagara Falls with some friends for a few days, and then there was Pride, and then work started at the theatre again, and
disarm_d got back from Switzerland, and also I watched all of True Blood in roughly four days (...when I should have been sleeping), and and and. It's been a busy month! It's great, though, I feel very much alive.
I think it helps that Legally Blonde: The Musical is awesome fun. Those two months of Mamma Mia were not easy to get through, but this show is well-acted, amazingly sung, and has some of the hottest bodies I have ever seen on stage. Legitimately, women of all ages in the audience sigh when certain characters come on. It would be horrifying if it weren't so hilarious. Objectification: fun for everyone!
They've also recently trained me to be a bartender, so that's a nice change. It keeps you busy, and if you're not a complete jerk, the tips can be pretty good. I've made the decision to save all the tips I make on bar and use them for something fun. Truth be told, they may be used to buy myself a new passport so I can have fun traveling and seeing some shows (New York City, I am looking at you) in September or early October.
So that's what's up! What is new with you kids?