I'm back!

Dec 23, 2005 14:39

Oh my goodness...it has been a seriously long time since I posted or even been 'active' online. A lot has happened but first I just wanted to say sorry. Stuff in my life had to happen before I could go online.

Anyway..first things first. I just finished College!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup...I seriously did not think I would make it because my grades were craptacular but I made it. My graduation was a few weeks ago and it was a small affair. My folks came up and I looked back to see my Dad sleeping. Thanks Dad. Anyway...I still had two finals AFTER graduation to finish and I am worried about my Molecular Bio final which is the only thing I need to graduate fully. I know I bombed that final but I know that most of the class did as well. There was no way anyone could perfectly answer all of those questions. NO WAY.

So my whole goal this semester was to prepare for my graduation and future. I started working in a research laboratory for the New York State Health Dept. and I'm seriously psyched. I want to thank Luna for giving me the courage to actually believe I can get into a lab. Anyway..I'm working with reproductive endocrinology in one of the largest labs in the United States and I am honored. It is however a unpaid position so I had another job telemarketing. I literally had 13 hour days and I just wanted to collapse at the end of each.

Right now I'm working on acing my GRE's so I can get into Grad school. Jobs for scientists are hard to come by unless you have a higher degree or a few years of experience. So yeah..I'm literally screwed and forced to work at Subway until I get better positions. But whatever...you gotta start somewhere.

Anyway..I just wanted to say hey! to all my LJ friends who haven't defriended me yet! I'm so sorry for being absent but as you can see things needed to get done. Many other things happened but I'll bring them up when needed.

Im going to start posting more regularly now that I am done with school. I want to start Photoshopping again. I haven't touched it since July!! And I plan on starting a graphics site with my bro. He just started college for graphic design and pretty decent. ;-P Anyway...i seriously do miss you guys and i"m sorry.
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