"I like you so much, I talk to everyone but you"

Mar 05, 2006 08:58

fuckfuckfuckityfuck I need a progam for the middle school show right now. or someone to tell me who designed what, who played what and what the plays were because I need need need it for my article and I forgot to get one fuck!

I saw most happy fella yesterday and I hated the main characters with all my heart. I kept making my mom laugh because I would mutter random things whenever they were on stage because they failed at life. the two people from dallas made me happy every time they were on stage though. haha at one point she was like darlin' I have to leave and he's like that's okay! and every time she tried to upset him by it he'd just be like no it'll all be okay in the end! and she was like ...you suck at life only not really 'cause this is, like, a 1920s musical? but yeah. I liked them. and the dancers were fun to watch.

had dinner with sophia and mike faba at the riverdale diner and it was nice.
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