Jan 17, 2006 20:01
okay, so schedule shit.
if I work hard I can get into the Japanese AP senior year, and maybe a History AP then too. maybe the US one. also, I might pull off AP English senior year but I'm not sure. at any rate- I am memorizing vocab in an attempt to get into that. lol.
Music Theory or Contemp Art History?
both have APs that I can end up taking, and I think I need Music Theory more and then I have another stupid motive to take that, lol.
next year I will be taking...
-Japanese III (Honors maybe)
-English 11
-Acting Seminar
-Contemp US
-Glee Club/Chamber Choir
-Music Theory/Contemp Art History
that looks good. yeah. that works. okay. is it bad that I don't have any APs for next year? *frets* would it be bad to just do three senior year? would that be okay? I won't drop math. oh my god. I'm not going to get anywhere in life. what my dad says is going to come true. oh god. *bursts into tears* and if you think I'm overreacting and I should calm down well oh well because I don't give a crap. and I freaking the hell out and proud! rawr! *marches* *panic! panic! panic!*
I'm going to go and study chem I think. oh god. I hate schedule choosing when there are choices. jesus.