Feb 01, 2008 12:02
Well, it's February and we all know what that means!! ...It's Elias's birthday!!!! And Cassidy's birthday!!!! And Valentine's Day!!! Which means it's obviously SEX MONTH.
So, I dare you all to go out and have sex with either Elias or Cassidy some time during this month XD~
Sorry guys. That was creepy. But awesome. Mostly creepy though.
Hey! I don't know what the fuck to buy either of you for your birthdays D:. I mean, I have some idea what I can get... but if you want videogameses be specific because it's hard to do returnsies T_T.... (fuck you, copyright laws!)
((Everyone else: feel free to comment and tell me what you think I should get for them!)) And no, I don't believe in surprises.
Mmm. Coffee.
My life has been going okay lately. I read my story about Shan and Jo ("Distance") out to the class yesterday. I got enjoyment out of it. I think people liked it. Maybe. I don't really know. It doesn't really matter if they did or didn't, I didn't really write it for them. A few people laughed at the stupid jokes which was nice :). I appreciated it.
Then I realized that I had forgotten my essay for English at home... so I was really sad because I had to take the bus back home with Kayleigh (which was actually nice because I like hanging out with Kayleigh ^_^;;) and we ended up walking part of the way to pass the time waiting for the bus. We walked to Mountain Hwy across from Seylynn and then the 210 came. Anyways, I ended up being like half an hour late for English D:... which sucked. But it's better to be late than have a late paper because Mr. Gilbert doesn't accept late papers... like I honestly would've gotten a zero, which would've sucked balls. On my way back to school, I saw Kristel on the bus and we talked about the story I wrote about Joy ("Cute").... and she said how Callum was lame to have taken it so personally because it didn't involve him in the first place, it was between Joy and I. But yeah. I'm switching my saturday with her... which sucks because I'll be with Callum and he'll probably fucking kill me. Does anyone want to stay in the store from like... 5-8 tomorrow? Just so it isn't so awkward? X_X;;; I'm really freaked out about this even though I shouldn't be. Joy once told me I should date, fuck, and marry him because we're so awkward. But Joy's crazy. Anyways, I invite you to come play Super Mario Galaxy at my store tomorrow night. You know you want to.
Today I'm babysitting. Not very excited about that. It's fucking cold and all the bebehs want to do is play in the snow and it's bloody well FREEZING outside and it's slippery and I'm falling on my ass and it's awfully embarassing... X_X; And cold. And wet. And I hate it. And no I don't have snow pants, I LIVE IN VANCOUVER! I can't afford to ski or snowboard, so there's no use for a snowsuit. That and I'd look like a fucking tool. More so than at work. But I think they've got hot chocolate so it'll be okay. And I like the small creatures. They're cute.
Tonight I'm going to see The Eye with Chris. Pretty fucking stoked. I think Jackie's coming too and a few other people from work, possibly Beau and Keenan and Callum; Kristel's busy :(. It's a secret midnight showing... so it'll be super fun and cool and awesome an EB Gamesy. I taped LOST for Chris last night, so I need to see him anyway. It kinda sucks cause he's leaving us for a few weeks to work at Park Royal T_T. I'm sad. Chris is crazy. Only part of this that makes me sad is the fact that booster juice won't be open :(. And I don't want to get there like 4 hours before I have to be. *sigh* Oh well. Maybe I'll hot chocolate-ify at JJ Bean and be a super fatass? Or maybe I'll refrain. I really should refrain. I need to lose some weight. Seriously. I'm 146 or something, which is at least 26 pounds over. Joy said she wanted to play basketball at some point... which would be fun except I think she hates me now so I doubt it'll ever happen.
I had this dream last night where I was playing this weird assed videogame... where you could change colours of all these animals and shit and it was really odd. I didn't know what to do. Then I suddenly found myself downtown at the Scotiabank theatre... and I was walking down to Burrard Station, when I saw a blue echo (which I see a lot of). And I always expect to see Joy in them but I don't. Anyway, I looked and it was Joy in the car and I'm like, "HEY!" and she doesn't turn, so I run after the car and I'm all, "JOY!!!!!" and she keeps driving. And I'm standing in the rain alone with the lights of downtown all blurring together... so I start running down to Burrard Station and suddenly, out of the darkness, there's Pope! And he's like, "Hey Nina..." and I'm all, "Pope?" and he's like, "Yes. Come with me, we're going home." And Pope takes my hand and we're walking down to Burrard Station but it's changed to this weird-assed futuristic building that looks nothing like a bus depot and there's vending machines and old people... everywhere... and this guy comes up to me and he's like, "Hey, do I know you?" but I don't know him. And suddenly it's sunny outside and it's midday. ...It was just really odd. I never got home. Pope just randomly left me in this weird futuristic bus depot that didn't seem to have any busses.
Anyway, that's my life. My dreams are fucked up. And fairly emo.
I want to wear a dress today. But it's cold :(. So I won't.
Love, Nina.
PS: Elias, I need to drop off your DS. I feel bad having it in my room when I've got my own :(. It's not getting any love. Perhaps I'll bring it by after work today.