Oct 30, 2013 16:01
Just a quick post this time cuz one, I'm writing this on my phone, and two, I really don't have a whole lot to say. I thought it was a nice ep overall :) The big star of the show, to me, was the MOL Bunker. Jerry Wanek and his outstanding crew never stop amazing me with their little details (the Batphone, anyone) and their ability to make even the most ordinary room, like an underground garage, look like the coolest place ever, what with the old cars and the curved mystery tunnel entrance/exit and all. Great job, all :)
Ep itself was cool, too. Loved seeing Charlie, love what they did with Dorothy, LOVE that they're a team now, too. I had predicted that Charlie was going to get a hunting partner in Dorothy, but the idea of getting to go to Oz itself? I'm so jealous of her, lol. Oh and that wicked witch was CREEPY. I haven't been that unsettled by a supernatural baddie in a while, so it was great to experience, and not-so-great to have a nightmare about her later, heh.
The Js were great, of course, esp. Dean picking Charlie over help w/ witchiepoo. Mark Sheppard was and always will be a welcome sight. I wonder how much longer his "patience" will last, though, before he snaps from how he's being treated. Saying that, how many more eps until Sam figures out that Dean is keeping stuff from him? Can't be long now. I am glad he was able to call the bunker home at last. I thought that shot at Dean about reading book was lame, though, as it's been well-established that both boys read. There were other little plotholes, too, like the fact that Charlie never explained to the bros just what she did to hook up her laptop to the MOL computer, much less HOW to use it to track angels, and Now that she's in Oz, they can't exactly call her for tech support. Also, dorothy talked about Charlie being brought back from the dead and Dorothy herself dying, but never explained how SHE was brought back. It's the details that get me. So it goes. Good thing the dialogue was so solid--"Ding Dong, bitches," LOL :)
thinky thoughts,