This is a late AnimeFest post.

Sep 13, 2011 14:11

So I guess I should post something about that con I went to? Even though I'm pretty sure I have failed to post in this journal about how I got a contract job, became a full time employee, and then got let go because it was a contract job but I thought I was promoted what? It was all very confusing, really. But anyway, AnimeFest.

Apparently this year the con decided it was going to do away with one day passes. Which means you either bought the whole weekend pass or you didn't go. I am pretty sure this is an immensely boneheaded move that meant less business for EVERYONE. I really hope they don't do it again, because I'm pretty sure that's why it felt immensely slow all weekend. I only got 7 commissions total! Pretty much the only thing that sold well was my buttons. Honestly, over half my money from that con came from button sales. And for once it wasn't the Avatar buttons that sold the most, though they were in second. It was definitely the Tiger & Bunny ones. So I kind of want to make more stuff for that series, but haha with my luck it won't sell at all. My bookmarks that I spent so much time getting finished didn't sell very well. I actually gave more away than I sold, which is kind of pathetic! Anyway, blah blah blah, business was kind of lame, but I guess I did okay in the end even though I really wish I'd gotten more commissions. :|

I guess it was a pretty fun con, and I did get to get away from my table a little more and do some art trades with some other people and stuff. I really wish I could have done some fun cosplay stuff, but of course I was doing characters nobody cared about. I think like two people recognized the first one and nobody recognized Barts, of course. Haha that's what I get for being obsessed with ridiculous characters I guess. I've started really wanting to go to a con just to go and cosplay, but I don't have any local friends who are even into the same series as me, and if there is a series we both like, they don't want to bother working on an outfit. It's really kind of frustrating. -_- Possibly I need new friends.

Anyway, now I'm sitting around wishing I had another con to go to so I could sell more stuff and make more money, because I did make more in four days than in one of my two week paychecks, but there's not going to be anything until next year probably. I'd be happy if I could at least get a commission every once in a while, but asking for those is like shouting in the dark, nobody gives a shit if you're not some super popular artist. Well, I posted on dA anyway.

So that's my lame con update. Not much else going on other than that, being unemployed and all. I will try to post stuff here more, seeing as how I seem to still be paying for this silly LJ account, but we'll see how that goes I guess. My life is still pretty boring, and I kind of wonder if anybody even reads this anymore. :D;

animefest, picspam, cosplay

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