Manga vs. anime rant 2: FMA edition!

Apr 05, 2009 23:01

Upon request, I am ranting more about manga vs. anime, special Fullmetal Alchemist edition! So if this is obnoxious, you can blame tenshi_kenken for suggesting I do it! XD I'm not even going to cut this for spoilers, because you people should have read the manga in the first place anyway! Honestly, it's been years since I've seen the anime, so I probably don't remember everything that was fucked up about it, but I think most of it was stupid enough to stick, so here goes.

I would say the biggest problem lies with the origin of the homunculi. Result of human transmutation my ass! They only did it that way to heap even more angst on the characters. Wrath and Sloth? Yeah, I don't believe in either of them. Completely pointless and uninteresting plot twist, guys. I'm fairly certain in anything else homunculi can only be created on purpose.

And what the hell is with Lust turning all goody-goody in the end so she could moan about wanting to be a real human? Way to make her character totally bland, guys! Lust is an EVIL BITCH she lives an EVIL BITCH and dies an EVIL BITCH and her death gives Roy the chance to shine and be totally bad-ass! Him burning her to cinders is his best scene, people, and the anime took that awesomeness away from him. Greed's death, too. Being turned into soup and laughing all the way through it was GREAT, but nooo, the anime had to have Edward kill him so the brat could angst more because of it. OH NOES I HAVE KILLED SOMEONE. Not even a real person, but WOE. :(

Um, what else...let's go with some bullet points.
  • Rose: Bit character in one arc turns into mary-sue much?
  • Russel and Whats-his-name...what did they even do? Were they just there to have a "somebody's pretending to be us!" plotline? I don't even remember. There were some plants, I guess?
  • So uh...Al becomes the philosopher's stone somehow? Whut?
  • Um, how did Roy lose his eye again? Is there like, a law that whoever's in charge has to have an eyepatch, or what?
  • There was apparently some evil woman who was behind it all or something? Another important plot point clearly too stupid for me to remember what exactly it was.
  • Seriously? Alchemy blasts people into alternate universes? What crack were they smoking?
Did I miss anything important? I don't even remember. XD;

Honestly, by the end it's almost like they decided to just throw together the most insane crap they could think of and tie the whole thing together with loose thread to get it over with and just end it after seeing where the manga was really going. Like scuttling a doomed ship!

Also, the manga has LING YAO and GREEDLING and that's a good enough reason to read it RIGHT THERE.

On that note, I just watched the first episode of the new series...yes it starts off with filler, but since I don't think anybody expects them to just redo all the stuff they actually did right the first time around the same way that's probably to be expected. I'm not sure how exactly they're going to swing this, but I'm kind of excited to see...there have already been hints of what the plot was REALLY supposed to be about, if you knew enough to see them, which made me really happy.

So yeah, after I spent all that time complaining about anime, I do still enjoy watching it. So, I guess it's not quite that I have something against anime, I mostly have something against watching only anime without acknowledging the source material. I think people at least should know where the paths diverge and what the original story was and such. And it would be nice if they stuck to the original version in fanworks and such, but yeah. All that's definitely too much to ask. :P

And with all that I think I've filled my ranting quota for the next few weeks or so, unless somebody else tells me to do more. XD; But omg I already feel like I'm being annoying, so I'm gonna go hide under my rock for a while. :D;

fullmetal alchemist, manga, anime, rant

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