A rant about manga vs. anime.

Apr 05, 2009 17:23

So, I'm wondering if liking manga more than anime makes me a bitch. It irritates me far more than it should that the majority of fans don't even touch a series until there's a shiny new anime out for it, and that the general consensus seems to be "omfg, anime is soooo much better!!!1" and "manga is boring because there's no color :(". I sometimes find myself rolling my eyes at people who obviously only watch anime and don't give the original source of the series the time of day due to I guess being too lazy to read. It's like how nobody reads books anymore, since just watching the (almost certainly jacked up) movie is so much easier. (You still have to read subtitles, guys, so it's not that different.) Honestly, it's way easier for me to read manga since so much of it is easily available online, and you don't have to clog up your computer with downloads to read it. Also I can read it at my own pace rather than having to sit through 25 minutes of an (often badly animated) episode of the same series.

Maybe it wouldn't bother me so much if anime didn't insist upon shoving in all kinds of useless filler and introducing pointless characters, then proceeding to give them far more importance than they're worth, or in the worst cases, changing entire plot points completely and going on some ridiculous tangent so far off the original track it's mind-blowing. I realize that they can't let themselves catch up to the manga, but would it be too terrible for an anime to go on hiatus, or to not start until the manga has been going long enough to get a decent lead? But obviously this would be blasphemy.

Yes, it grates on me when people describe Kanda's hair as blue or Lenalee's as green. Yes I want to stab things when people latch onto that stupid lesbian maid akuma that probably only really existed to be fanservice. It took me a while to not cringe at the fact that Lulubell showed up in the manga long after she was crammed into irritating filler episodes to harass a mary-suetastic non-exorcist. I despise that retarded "hellhound" from Kuroshitsuji, as well as that obviously evil yet completely uninteresting maid bitch, both of whom seem to have gained Important Recurring Character status rather than fading away and allowing me to forget they ever existed. (GTFO the curry battle, you whore!) And it completely baffles me how Bleach can somehow warrant two straight seasons (that's 45 episodes) of filler. I've only started watching a bit of it out of morbid curiosity rather than skipping it completely, and I already think it's completely retarded. And don't even get me started on the travesty that is the latter half of the Fullmetal Alchemist anime, and how it deprived two characters of awesome death scenes in favor of doing something that would create more angst for Edward, because he REALLY NEEDED MORE OF THAT. (Also AUTOMAIL CYBORG WHUT?) I could have a rant about that one on its own, which is probably why they're starting a new series so they can presumably do it right this time.

So, okay. I'm a manga elitist bitch, and it extends beyond D.Gray-man, though that's probably the series that I get bitchiest about. Honestly, I'm pretty okay with the fact that that one just ended, even if it did so abruptly and in a rather stupid fashion. Who knows what could have happened when the series had to suddenly go on a long hiatus.

And I'm sorry if anybody gets bent out of shape after reading all that. I swear it wasn't directed at anyone in particular, just the state of things in general. And I apparently sometimes have to rant about things that really don't matter, and sound angrier than I actually am while doing so. It's how I roll.

And now I have to roll over to the kitchen to see if I can find something I want to eat. Maybe food will help me be motivated to do something more productive than showing off what an opinionated bitch I am on LJ. :B

manga, i'm a bitch, d.gray anime, kuroshitsuji, anime, rant

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