Well, now that I don't have to worry about that, here's all this other shit to worry about.

Jul 27, 2008 22:11

Looks like AnimeFest stuff is actually taken care of...I don't have to pay again or anything. That's good, but now I should really be working on stuff for the actual con...aaah I haven't done a damn thing...and I'm supposed to get a hotel room too. D: I hate getting hotel rooms, because like everything else, I always feel like I'm doing it wrong. Like that one year Tracie was unhappy with me because oh noes I did not get the con discount. I am pretty sure you have to actually call them to get the discount, but my intense fear of phone conversations prevents that. Bleh. I am guessing at this point there probably is no longer any con discount available, but Tracie won't be there to be unhappy about that since apparently she has to work...which sucks, but it also means I'm staying in a hotel room with my mom and maybe my brother who are apparently going? I don't know if they're just going so I won't have to be alone in a room or something like that. >_>; But um. If that's the case they should probably think about getting badges because I cannot get them online because AFest's system is fucking retarded.

...oh fucking shit it is dawning on me that I pretty much have barely over a month to get ready for this and less than that before school starts and I don't want to gooo. T__T Shitshitshit financial aid and I have to go get someone to let me into Art History I AGAIN because some idiot decided to lock it even though you don't need a code to get in the normal version I'm pretty sure and so many things I should be worrying and freaking out over except I'm probably just going to ignore them some more and spend the rest of the summer fucking around like usual because I am a total fucking irresponsible idiot. Urrgh. I haven't done anything towards coming up with a better set up either, and I'd really like somebody to help me out with that, but of course nobody ever will so I'm going to have to do everything myself, as usual, which will result in me putting it off and then finally being afraid I'm doing it wrong, as usual.

Arrrrgh I am so fucking screwed, there are no words. -_- There is so much I should be doing I don't even know what I should be doing.

i hate myself, animefest, i suck, flailing, panic, cons, whining

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