
Jan 19, 2007 16:35

8:00-9:50 - Web While Kim Grable is not really great in the realm of teaching, I still do enjoy her class. She makes things interesting, at least, though honestly, I learned pretty much nothing in her computers in art class. To this day, I am not all that skilled with Illustrator, and I still don't understand InDesign at all, which is going to become a problem this semester, because I am taking publication design. But anyway, supposedly we will be working with xhtml, css, and flash, and making our own webpages. That alone should make the class worth it, because I'm sure I never would have gotten around to that otherwise. But omg, pretty sure me learning flash means something possibly terrible is going to happen.

10:00-11:50 - Publication design. The main comm design class for this semester. We will be redesigning newspapers, and putting together annual reports and cd collection case things. I got handed an issue of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, and I am to figure out what the grid they use is and redesign three of the smaller sections using that grid. Unfortunately, I don't understand how you can tell what the grid is, especially with this newspaper. Also, it occurs to me that I am not completely sure what is expected of me by Monday. I'm really worried about having to write the body copy for the annual report, because I'm just really not a good writer. But I guess I can stress about that when we actually start that project.

12:00-12:50 - Asian art history. Indian, Chinese and Japanese art, and I hear they are totally going to skimp on the Japanese. As usual. Don't know why I bother with it, because I'm more interested in that part than the others, but I do need my advanced art history, so. But there are going to be essay-based exams, and that worries me a lot. There's also going to be two essays to do about museum visits, which bothers me less because I was planning to go to the ukiyo-e exhibit anyway, though that will only take care of one of them. She said something about specifying works to write about, though, and I'm really hoping she doesn't make Dallas the only option like SOME teachers. >_> Hi, um, there is another city that contains museums in this area! Remember Fort Worth? That is 2/3 of the reason they call it DFW!

Hour break. It's amazing, really, because I'll actually get to see Tracie this semester. We almost never saw eachother last semester, and it was kind of sad.

2:00-2:50 - Japanese. I am absolutely terrified of this class. Our textbook is in Japanese. The class is going to be taught in Japanese. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND JAPANESE. Nevermind that I have been taking it for some five semesters. If you speak to me in Japanese, I will stare blankly at you thinking, "Hmm, some of those words sound kind of familiar." It takes me ages to decipher a passage written in Japanese, and I have to look things up just about every step of the way. I have trouble remembering vocabulary. The teacher did show us some neat links that help with reading much more than any translator does. I should not be nearly as tempted to try them out with bean jam as I am, though. >_> But anyway, there was also mention of things like presentations and research projects and surveying Japanese people and omg am I just supposed to find random Japanese people to survey? Do I need a lot? Maybe I can just go find the two or three that are in the comm design program and ask them? I wish I'd ever talked to Marie or Yuriko more. Or, you know. Anybody in the program. Ugh, I fail at networking. This is why I'm going to fail at a career. Right, done now.

So...yeah. I'm worried. A lot worried. About quite a few things, not all of which have to do with school. And while I probably should be spending this time getting to work on this newspaper thing, I think my brain needs a break from the stress. Too bad it doesn't seem like there are a lot of people around to help take my mind off things at the moment.

schedule, japanese, school, comm design sucks, kim's class is lame

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