Art survey spam

Jan 17, 2007 19:12

I evidently have nothing better to do, since the internet is being boring. D: I stole this from th3newblack's devart journal. :D Posted here instead because I don't like my devart journal, and I'm pretty sure nobody reads it anyway, so it's just there to have commissiony links. XD Maybe I'll put it there later. Or on y! possibly. I don't expect anybody to be all that interested in it here either, but whatever! :D;

Who is the character you've drawn the most? (Can be original or fanart)

Ahahaha. Rabi. ♥

What colour do you often use?

I guess I lean towards darker colors, when I color things. Of course, since the dgm madness started, it's been a lot of black and white and red. XD;

Any colour you are bad at using?

I'm not sure how you can be bad at using a color? I guess lighter colors are harder to work with for some reason. I've never liked yellow.

When drawing people, where do you start?

The head. Circle-crossthing-eyes-whee!

Which of your works took the longest time?

I really don't pay attention to how long I spend on anything. It really varies, sometimes I can get things out in a day, but sometimes they take forever...I guess offhand I can remember Lulu taking quite some time. Would've been twice as long if I hadn't handed off the inking. XD

What techniques do you use when you want to improve in drawing?

I don't know, really. I kind of agree that if you're looking to improve, you should be looking for new ones. I guess I spin through Japanese sites looking for inspiration and sometimes that helps.

What art tools/media are you good with?

Pencil and Photoshop...but I'm kind of getting the hang of this Painter thing...the airbrush tool, at least.

Art tools/media you are bad at?

Pen. Marker. Cannot deal with being unable to fix things.

What do you think about your own art?

I whine about it a lot, and about how other people are so much better than me, many of them a few years younger, and I know it needs a lot of help, but I also realize there are a ton of people out there that just plain suck, and I'm happy to be far above that level. Haha, I'm such a bitch. XD

Do you consult magazines for your drawings?

Nah. Don't really own any. Never been a magazine person.

What do you like about your art?

I like how my boys look like boys. Men, even. I like how the characters I draw look their age and gender, and don't have those huge disturbing eyes that take up half their faces. I like that the proportions are generally believable, and usually don't look awkward.

What habits do you have while drawing?

Umm...I'm not sure I have any notable ones.

Are you good at drawing faces facing right? know, they generally face left by default...but I can draw them facing right...wait, my right, or the face's right? D:

How frequently do you draw?

It depends. Art ruts happen. Sometimes I draw stuff just about every day, but I can go weeks without turning out anything.

What do you do when you have artist's block?

Bitch about it, mostly. Sometimes I just give up and find other things to do. If I can manage to find someone to RP with, that usually helps, but that's kind of hard sometimes.

What must you have when you draw?

A pencil and paper. :D Or a tablet and computer. Dur-hur. Well, references are handy if I'm drawing characters I'm not familiar with.

Do you have a lot of stray lines (messy lineart)?

My sketches tend to be a little messy, but not too much, I think. I kind of like that about them too, though.

What is drawing to you?

It's a way to throw myself into my various fandoms. It's one of the only things I feel I can do reasonably well, enough so that I feel I can charge people to draw things for them.

Artists you've had influence from?

Umm, I'm not sure I notice when I'm influenced by others, but if I had to pick a few, I'd say Kazuya Minekura, Ayami Kojima, Leigh Bader, and judging by the recent subject matter, Hoshino Katsura.

Which is easier to draw, humans or animals?

Humans. I should try animals more often, but omg. Not interested enough. :D;

What is the charm-point of your art?

Um...I'm told that it's like a blend of Japanese and American comic art, which I guess is true. I wouldn't want it to go too far in either direction, but I think where it is is just about right.

When thinking of characters is it mostly female? male? or androgynous/no sex?

Ahaha...yeah, male. Very much so.

What did you draw yesterday?

Porn. Okay, technically, I'd drawn it the day before and only colored it yesterday. But I did finish it.

What is the funnest part to draw?

Umm...Yeah, I like hair. It varies between characters though, I think.

What part of other people's drawings do you notice first?

The style, I think.

Regarding backgrounds, what is your method of making it easier to draw?

Don't do it. :D Ahahaha, um, I mean. References are definitely necessary for me, otherwise the foreground won't sit well in it, and it'll just make the whole thing look bad. My two most successful backgrounds involved a lot of cut and paste in Illustrator.

What colour coordinations do you like?

...You know, the black and white and red has kind of grown on me. But I also like blues and earthtones. There are any number of combinations that might appeal to me, really, it just depends on the picture.

What character did you last draw?

...yeah, it was Rabi.

Does your style change easily?

Not really. If it changes, it does so over a long period of time, I think. I'd use the word "evolve" as well.

What part of drawing do you pay most attention to?

Anatomy, I think. Faces and expressions, as well.

How do you feel about drawing H pictures?

Remember when I said what I drew yesterday was porn? Yyyeah. :D;

Do you like criticism from others?

As long as they're not too harsh about it. But I find mostly people are too lazy to comment at all, or if they do, it's something that says nothing at all other than they like it. Which I do appreciate as well.

How many people do you normally draw per artwork?

Usually one or two. Showing character interaction is nice though.

When you were a kid did you think of become illustrator/comic artist/etc? If you did, do you still hold that dream now?

I don't remember. I did draw a lot back then, though. Even when I was still living in California I was drawing fanart of like, Minnie Mouse, and I went through a Little Mermaid phase when that came out. So, yeah, I've always been doing this.

omg today has been so lame, seriously. I've spent all of it sitting around wishing I was talking to people while staring at this stupid AA stuff. I think I've got the forms taken care of, I put Tracie and Kyle down as sharing the table, but I'm pretty sure if I found more people to share with, they'd let me stick them in as long as there was enough notice. I'm kind of afraid they're starting to get stricter about a lot of things, which makes me sad because one of the things I loved about working a table last year was how relaxed it was, as compared to, oh, AN? But right. I think I should be looking into dinner or something instead of spamming my journal. Boy, you people must be sick of me by now. :D; I need to find other things to do, seriously.


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