Obligatory new year post. Kind of late.

Jan 02, 2007 13:55

Well, new years wasn't as dreadfully awful as I expected it to be, until I was lame and ran away from mao. I apparently just can't handle feeling like an idiot, and the fact that the one I was sitting next to didn't know what was going on either just made sure I got fucked by the same thing twice without understanding it. So, yay for Katrina looking like a moron! :D

I imagine I should possibly have some sort of resolutions I won't stick to for the year. Since I've already broken anything that might be something like "stop putting myself down" I'm just going to give up on that and stick with things like drawing more, and talking to people more, hopefully connected to more RP. Possibly getting a job, although that really depends on whether school will let me. Getting commissions is not really something I have control over either. I guess I still want to learn how to sew, and cook. Maybe keep my room clean, which would require cleaning it the rest of the way first. Read more books? Spend less time doing absolutely nothing? Like I'm doing now? Stop waiting forever before getting food as if there was any chance in hell better options would present themselves? Like I'm also doing now? I think I should also resolve to finish a few games. Mostly Suikoden V, maybe Windwaker, as I wasn't paying attention when my brother beat that because I wanted to do it myself. Of course, I'll just end up screwing around and collecting those dumb statues. XD; I think I also want to get back into writing letters. I miss finding mail in the box that isn't junk or mom's bills.

Maybe I should start a sketch a day sort of journal thing and post something every day. See if that lasts more than a week. I don't know, it seems like it could be...something? I also really like those lists of titles Japanese art sites sometimes have, where there's a set of words or phrases that you use to draw or write something. I didn't get very far on the 100 general titles thing I tried a while back, maybe I should try that one again. Or find a fandom specific one somewhere.

Oh right. That's the resolution I should be thinking of. That being to be more active in the SuikoRP. I've been so out of the loop lately, I'm not sure what happened, but at some point I just kind of fell out of interest. It could be the fact that all the other people I interacted with most also kind of vanished a little, combined with going dgm crazy, but I feel bad about it. So, I really do need to find a place for my characters again, and get them to interact more with more people. Somehow.

Meanwhile, there's one looking in the refrigerator and not getting any food out of it done for today. And I for some reason need to mention that there is comic sans on the package of beansprouts and I am sad. WHICH REMINDS ME I apparently need to display how sad I am to EVERYBODY since I think only a couple people have heard this, BUT.

This would be Miranda Lott's letter in the D.Gray-man anime. NEVERMIND how I find it doubtful that Allen or Rinali would be able to read German, since I'm pretty sure they're supposedly speaking English all the time, but ANYWAY. That font would be Lucida Handwriting or some equivalent. And it looks awful. I hate handwriting fonts, because they're trying to look like something they're not and failing at it. It's obvious when all the l's look exactly the same, especially in words like "Allen" and they could have at least tracked it closer so it looks like cursive instead of having the ends just kind of stop at an identical level on all the letters. This is especially ridiculous in the "b" because there's no reason for the stroke to continue unless it connects to the next letter which it doesn't for any of them, and it just looks terribly awkward!


Right, so I don't have more copy to work with, and I really don't need to spend any MORE effort making it look like the letter, but YOU SEE. And seriously, that was the default tracking, I don't know how they messed that up!

...RIGHT. Now that I'm done making sure everyone who sees this knows just how pathetic I am, I think I'm going to finally see about finding something edible that is preferably not curry. Feel free to ridicule and mock me in the meantime, I'm fairly certain I deserve it.

dgm anime, being lame, new years, typography

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