Star, I hear you cry. Star, what did you do for Halloween! Surely you must have gone to a party, or hosted a party, or pretended to be a kid and gone trick or treating or done anything!
No, faithful reader. I did not. Tonight, I cleaned the rat cage while Bandit cleaned the bunny cage. Tonight, I ate at Amigo's. Tonight, we attempted to quell Binx's never ending stomach. Tonight, we played Trivial Pursuit (Fenrir tried to help, by the way. Both by drooling on the board and by responding to questions. "What is a woofer?" "BARK." "...Fenrir wins this question."). Tonight, Fenrir is now six years old.
Tonight, I tortured our dogs.
Fenrir had a bumbleebee/spider/head crab thing going on.
Freya went as Count Scaredula.
Binx just dressed up as an old cat, apparently.