I know I've been quiet lately, and on the subject currently circulating around the blogs, and news and everywhere else I have nothing to add. Everyone has had enough to say that there's nothing left to say.
There are the few things that I will post on the hot topic:
For those people who say that this is what you get for building a city below sea level, or that it shouldn't be rebuilt, or that the city was in a bad spot like an accident waiting to happen, might I remind you that New Orleans was founded in 1718 and has therefore been around for a long time. It has survived many events like fires, epidemics and war. New Orleans will survive the hurricane and the history held there will add another notch on it's belt.
Also, don't forget that other places got damage, like
small towns and
larger towns.
http://www.redcross.org/ Blog for Relief Day flood aid hurricane katrina and
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