Jun 23, 2011 21:34
Well, I just wrapped up going through the history of tweets that were put in this year.
Most of them have either been deleted or re-written to be better, well-rounded, posts.
There were a few that I left 'as is' or edited down to be just one tweet. I rather liked the way they played out.
Today I went the the office gym for my assessment. This means that I got to pedal at a moderate speed while they checked my blood pressure several times. I passed, I think.
We talked about fitness plans and half marathon training. (Oh, did I mention I am going to do another one this year? Well, now you know, and knowing is half the... nevermind.)
After the tour and the discussion, I decided to hop on some machines while I was there. I did a nice 5 minutes on an elliptical machine, 10 on a bike and then 5 on an arm pedal thing. The gym closes at 7 and so I hit the showers and left with 10 mins to spare.
On my way out, I stepped on the scale. Seems I have lost 20lbs since I moved. That is nearly a pound a day. Not a good set of numbers really, but I will take the weight loss. Other than when I was ill, I haven't felt like I have been shorting myself food or anything.
This weekend should be exciting!
First, I have Friday off without pay. This is only significant in the part where I will have only 4 days on this work week. The alternative was only 1 day for my weekend.
Friday I will be tripping down to San Diego again.
Now that I have my car back from the shop (as of yesterday! Hurrah!) I am happier about taking long drives.
Saturday I have a family reunion to go to. A family reunion from Grandma's side of the family. Even the family that I barely know doesn't know that side of the family. Should be interesting.
I have to be back by a fairly decent hour for work on Sunday, which then begins my new routine. Sunday thru Thursday, 8:30 to 5:30. Monday thru Thursday 5:30 to 7pm I will be at the office gym working out. Sure, this is not the kind of arrangement that leaves a terrible amount of wiggle room, but I think it will be good for me.
I have finally started knitting again.
I haven't really been knitting since about a week or so before the move. I think this is a sign that I am starting to settle in a bit.
That is all for now.
I think it is time for wine and Netflix.