Jun 20, 2011 22:30
I will be progressively going back and editing old Twitter generated posts. Some of them are dated wrong, but I am not going to bother with that. I will instead focus on rewriting the odd tweets into stylized paragraphs or at least more creatively conveyed concepts.
So, feel free to check the history (tonight I only got through one page of updates, but this is an ongoing project) every now and again to see the changes.
Why am I doing this?
A) writing practice.
It has been a while and I need to brush off my skillz.
B) refreshing my own memory of events.
Never hurts to look back and this is a very good excuse to do just that.
C) I have shut off twitter updates for now.
Why? (What's with all the questions? eh?)
C1) See A (See what I did there?)
Seriously, I plan on typing my own updates again and with more frequency. Going through the old updates gives me an excuse to visit the LJ more often.
D) because I want to.
SO :-P~