cinderlily made a list and we're going to celebrate the wins and commiserate the fails, I am posting a 101 things in 1001 days.
If you're not familiar with the concept, you write a list of 101 goals. They need to be measurable and a bit of a challange. Taking January 1, 2009 as the starting point, the 1001 days ends on September 29, 2011. This is coming off the community
mission101_2009 but I didn't join that community-- I'm just going to freelance it. :) After much debate and reading some other lists for brainstorming, I've come up with this
101 Things to Do in 1001 Days
If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there- Goals for the Future
- figure out a path for the future (even if it’s not THE path)
- apply for grad school
- go back to school
- do something for career experience (ie field school)
- make a legal will. Because you never know
When it comes to money I’ve got few dollars and even less sense-Financial goals
- pay off one school loan
- start saving for car
- get a new computer (I’m sorry Sprocket! You weren’t meant to live forever!)
- work some overtime (earn extra $3000 at least in one year)
- get taxes done before April
- use tax return for good, not evil
- don’t lower 401K contributions while at this job
- learn more about how 401K works
I’m so cool, too bad I’m a loser-Personal improvement goals
- get driver’s license
- learn to swim
- be better at correspondence
- have a Romance (And I’m not telling exactly what that means)
- go to church once (weddings and funerals don’t count)
- actually send Christmas cards
Today you will learn to defend yourself against an attacker armed with a piece of fresh fruit.--Fitness and Health goals
- lose weight (10-15 lbs)
- start exercising regularly
- go to doctor for annual physical
- see women’s doctor (drag myself kicking and screaming)
- visit dentist for the 6 month exams
- have eye exams as needed
- find a pair of glasses I don’t hate
- get hair cut/trimmed regularly
- get a spa treatment- ie facial, massage
Let your Soul Glow-- Creative goals to do (see Fandom goals for more)
- get music back in my life-as more than just a spectator
- make something nice by knitting
- make something nice by crochet
- give art a serious try-drawing, painting, etc
Dreams of war, dreams of liars, dreams of dragon’s fire and of things that will bite--Creative goals to experience
- find an artist I like outside my normal styles and buy their album
- find a foreign language artist to enjoy
- watch a foreign film
- watch an award winning movie (they can’t all be pretentious and terrible, right?)
- give graphic novels a try-Watchmen is supposed to be good January 2009
- also give Doom Patrol or Umbrella Academy a try-Umbrella Academy January 2009
- buy three Dr. Seuss Books (any I’ve owned have had Mysterious Disappearances)
- Read five Agatha Christie books
- Finish Hitchhiker’s Guide series
- go to a concert (featured band, not just X-fest)
- see local live band play
- buy a piece of real artwork
Random fun stuff (aka the stuff I’m doing for Poohs and Tiggers, lol)
- take vacation overseas (Europe)
- take vacation within USA
- visit an island
- visit a zoo
- Make a list of airports I’ve been in and have reasons to add five more
- read 5 actual books (not fanfic) with no academic association 1. The Graveyard Book- 1-09
- order new drink from a bar
- learn a goofy dance I should know by now anyway (ie electric slide)
- take pictures of family and pets
- take pictures of home and hometown
- get a game system (Nintendo Wii, or Nintendo NES-oh decisions!)
- rescue a flea market/antique store find
- Be able to play on “Hard” level Guitar Hero
- go ice skating
- get a drink at Starbucks (because I’m like the only person on earth who never has)
- learn about a local ghost story
And the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day-interpersonal goals
- Donate blood three times
- donate to 3 humanitarian charities (salvation army, veterans group, etc)
- do something nice for Mom
- watch a sporting event with Dad
- go window shopping with Sister
- go to event with Brother
- try to figure out genealogy of Mom’s side
- remember the birthdays for my immediate co-workers
- meet someone from my flist
- make two new LJ friends
He does not write at all, whose poems no man reads-- Fandom goals
- write at least one fanfic over 15 pages
- write one chaptered fic
- complete 4 prompts for wtf27
- finish at least 3 of the half-started fics on my computer
- stop being too shy to post something. Even if it is strange or short or NC-17
- get into one new fandom
- comment more on fic I’ve read
- Participate in NaNo (or a personal NaNo Jr-half as long)
- make a voice post to LJ or make Podfic
It is a dangerous business going out your front door--Goals to make me step out of my comfort zone
- try new ethnic cuisine
- learn to cook-3 recipes that are *not* dessert
- and 3 that *are* dessert :)
- go to worship service for a different religion
- find and buy a swimsuit I like
- join Facebook and/or myspace
- go somewhere that requires I wear a nice dress
- dance somewhere!
- be social! Make a friend I did not meet through work or was once at school with
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step--Unlikely but hopeful goals
- Start on the Career
- have semi-permanent place of my own
- probably not get married, but have someone who looks like a future possibility
- adopt a pet
- organize my stuff and give excess to charity
- organize/ clean out email and keep it that way Yahoo email 1-29-09
- same with mail basket
- pay off another school loan
Because my goals will probably change…
- one year from now (January 2010) reevaluate and add five more goals
- goal 1
- goal 2
- goal 3
- goal 4
- goal 5
And finally,
100 donate $1 to charity for each incomplete task
101 write new list