Suggestions, anyone?

Nov 10, 2008 22:25

My parents are always asking what to get me for Christmas, and to be honest, I have all the 'stuff' I need, and I couldn't really think of anything big I wanted (we usually get one kind of big ticket item and some smaller stuff)

The best idea I had was to see if my parents would help pay for a vacation.  Maybe they'd cover the plane, or the hotel, or some part of the trip, and I'd cover the rest.  Work is...tiring at best... I need a vacation, I do.  But I don't have a lot of money (even if I'm splitting it) and I wouldn't want to make my parents pay a huge amount.  I don't have that many vacation days either.  I'd maybe just take a sort of long weekend (leave Thursday, come back Monday maybe?)

I'm trying to figure out a good vacation spot.  The American dollar is pretty weak in Europe, and I'm a little wary of travelling alone in some countries.  If you take a cruise, you more or less need to travel in a pair, since the rooms are double occupancy.  I don't drive, and depending on when I took the vacation, I might not by then either (I have a phobia, I guess, and I just haven't really forced myself to confront it yet), so it would be best to go somewhere with either trains or where not much driving is needed (ie beach maybe? But I don't really see myself as a beach bunny...)

What do you guys think?  Any good vacation spots you've heard of?  Know any horror stories for places to avoid?  Ways to get really good deals?  Anything?  Speak to me folks.
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