Anyone who knows me knows that I do not like politics. I think it's a petty, wasteful, embarrassing representation of society. Part of this may be that I am not strongly aligned with a party (I tend to think along liberal lines on social issues-- gay rights, gender equality,creationism in schools, etc, but along conservative lines on economic issues-- after years of having too much money to be poor and not enough money to not need assistance, I'm honestly rather bitter about giving to those 'less fortunate' who, you know, are actually doing better than me because of handouts).
I know who I'm going to vote for this time and no I'm not interested in sharing. I apparently am that rare breed who still thinks the curtain around your polling booth is there for a reason. I'm not embarrassed about my choice, rather I'm frustrated because I wasn't happy with either option. One thing you learn, living in a perpetual battleground state is that your vote counts-- at least until November 4th it does. After the choice is made, politicians do whatever the hell they want anyway. (Congress can vote on their own raises! Earmarks! Legislation that has more to do with voting along party lines than voting by substance! No follow through on tax plans or social security/medicare/anything reform! Broken promises out the yin yang!)
My venting today is due to absolute disgust with the half hour infomercial for Obama. If he's your candidate, that's fine. If you believe he's going to make a difference, that's cool too. But I am absolutely offended that he is wasting so much money as it surely costs to buy half an hour on almost all of the major networks. Better yet, both campaigns (though, Obama moreso) have received thousands of dollars from financial companies my tax dollars are bailing out. In a roundabout way, that's *my* money, and I don't want my money going to any political party.
Further adventures of my disgust, the infuriating, exasperating state of the McCain campaign that somehow hasn't figured out that negative campaigning pisses people off, not encourages them to vote for him. I *am* pissed off. I *am* tired of hearing this crap that tells me nothing. If there are eight commercials in any one commercial break, I swear seven of the eight are political ads. Any of you, tell me what you're all about. Make me care about what you stand for and then I'll stand for it.
I swear, if any candidate for political office took out one ad and stated that that was the only ad they were running because they were donating the rest to the Shriners, or to build a hospital, or a homeless shelter, or a scholarship program. I'd vote for that candidate, because they'd already proved to me that they had a grasp on a reality that said they could do more good for people with any of those programs than by buying TV and newspaper ads for millions of dollars.
On the bright side, November 4th it'll all get decided. And it'll be
sheryden's birthday.