honestly. this is a shitty day for me. i am looking at you hormones. YEAH YOU :|
i majorly fucked up when i locked my sim card because of multiple pin attempts (well it told me to enter a new pin code so i entered a new pin code okay :|). and then i just felt so annoyed at everything. tumblr being its usual fail self, pairing wars that are stupid and pointless, and oh my god why is it so hot??!!! sometimes i just really hate living in a tropical country.
i was supposed to actually post my pairing meme thing but the images are in my laptop, which i am too lazy to retrieve :| tomorrow then.
the worst part of all of this is i feel like my period is coming up when i just had it a few weeks back. WHAT UP BODY >:|
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this made my night/day all better ♥ obvs they are my ship ok