Information exchanges, new acquaintances, and a first attempt at going to the basement.
Chapel: Harvey Dent:
Cafeteria: Indiana Jones and Keman:
Library: Edgar:
Arts and Crafts: Sangamon Taylor:
Dinner: Abe-mun and I both skipped posting.
Night Shift: A large group attempts to tackle the basement, but only gets as far as the Sun Room before being accosted by a Special Counseling patient. Also, Landel turns off the translation mechanism.
M25 West Wing, South Hall 1-A Main Hallway, 1-Center Sun Room Cafeteria Kitchen - The main consequences of what happened this NS are that L thinks Dent has a very poor basis for decision-making and that Peter and Scott stuck around in the fight much longer than they needed to, necessitating more help from Indy and Dent and making it impossible for the group to move on. To be fair, he's being a jerk and not offering his portal ring for travel purposes.
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[Quote: Ludwig Wittgenstein]