It's not a palimpsest, dear, it's a pile-up.

Apr 11, 2013 08:12

Molly, je crois que je vais mourir...

Si, n'etais a fait que vous pensez
Pas tout a fais que je pense
Vous saurez toujours disposer de m'aider?

I know perfectly well that Media Studies talks of verisimilitude, but yesterday my city met TV London, and then as other people brought their own realities along a nasty pile-up was inevitable.

I found facets of myself being stripped apart and colliding at the same time. Was I a teenager again or was I living back down in London? Was I, as other people wondered, a photographer, one of the press, or even (as I would have much preferred) part of what was actually going on there? It certainly was complicated! Why couldn't I be all of those, or just some of those, when later the situation was trying to make me into a nothing?

I am lucky I have coping strategies that allowed me to walk away with my soul intact.

More photos when I can get them uploaded, and I will stick everything under cuts so not to spoil anyone, I promise.

locationing, london

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