If I had kept my mouth shut at work I might not be involved in all this ;-P

Mar 16, 2013 19:02

If you can't walk the walk don't talk the talk I say!

The last two weeks at work have been a little strange as I have spent half of it being the college photographer (Fred the Fuji Finepix is very popular) and the other half seems to have been a total immersion experience of the Sherlock episode A Study in Pink. It is totally my fault, as I have even explained (and apologised for) to the students involved in it with me. I have a spare DVD set  (the French dubbed one is the one I am using to work from now) so I gave my original Series One to Sarah our Media Studies teacher. I was really only trying to convert her, bring her into the fold; this back-fired badly as she decided to use it as the Unit1 exam case-study for her students; one AS class and both GCSE classes. I am being kept around as an insider information source.

Last week AS Media were having their first view of the episode, then I gave a 90 minute lecture on fandom on Monday including alternate viewpoints by playing the copine/copain (girlfriend/boyfriend) scenes in Angleo's from the pilot, the French and Russian versions. The rest of this weeks lessons have been doing a minute by minute analysis. I have popped by the class when I have been passing, seeing parts of the episode on a big screen for the first time, which was great, and learning to keep my mouth shut and learning big words like "verisimilitude". We left Sherlock and John at the Jennifer Wilson crime scene on Friday after a promise from me to track the taxi ride there location-wise (up and down Brompton Road in Kensington passing Harrods  on both sides of the road). I also had big  revelation about the Gower Street location following my exciting last-weekend experiences which I will tell you about in a moment. Next week the two GCSE classes start their first watch through and the week after I have to give a 60 minute presentation to both groups on separate days. I swear by the end of this term I shall be dreaming about the stuff. At least I got a lovely present from the class, which was then immediately stuck on the scanner so that various chapters could be used by the classes as reference material. Wasn't it nice of them?

work, teaching, sherlock

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