Mar 11, 2008 15:12

Yes, I am behind in my Harlequinfetus emulation. Perhaps I set my sights too high in the first place by trying to emulate someone as amazing and brilliant and actually possessed of a good background with which to apply.

I have now basically lost track of which reject[ions] came in when, or whatever, but I got a few more here and there, including the [University of Alberta], George Mason University's Conflict Analysis program, Princeton (sorry, dad; no cutesy father-son alma mater ... at least not this round), uh, probably another couple I am forgetting. Oh yeah, University of Minnesota and George Washington University, too. Though George Washington, like Colorado and Connecticut before it, at least has a graduate program polite enough to re-circulate my file for consideration for the M.A. leading to the Ph.D. I am not exactly expecting much, as I am already pleased enough that this tactic worked once. But it would be neat if it worked every time I tried it!

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, THOUGH THE BRIGHTNESS IS MUTED BY THE NUCLEAR APOCALYPSE IN THE BACKGROUND, I finally got my first bona-fide Ph.D. acceptance, to Rutgers' Global Affairs program. Unfortunately, it also does not seem likely that I would be funded. Which would mean like $100,000 in student loans for tuition alone in the span of my time there, to say nothing of additional living expenses. This does not sound appealing. That said, since I never accept bad news, I am now going to just try to debate them into at least waiving tuition or something so I could almost sort of kind of justify doing this. The program really does seem like a great fit, which will make it entirely too disappointing if it does not work out.

Also, as a random side note, Mandy and I have visited 17 states (and Washington D.C.!) since last July. This is clearly one of the best side effects of applying to entirely too many programs. You want to go see where you are applying.

[This process] is amazing. AMAZING.
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