Mar 20, 2008 00:09

a little late again sorry~

This is the week of September 7th! This weeks starts today and will end hopefully on April 3rd!

Here is the calendar:

The city activities have dwindled down to normal pace by the start of this week and there aren't too many tourists roaming the streets. But the main reason for the decreased amount of visitors isn't exactly due to the lack of holiday celebration. Chrysalis has set the entire city of Allupato into Lock-down, setting up officers all over major areas of interest. One cannot walk very far without brushing shoulders with one of these officials, and will walk even less of a distance if found to be a public disturbance. The reason for this lock-down is said to be due to the virus that has supposedly been floating around the area, and quarantining the city is necessary so that preventative measures can be taken if an infected person is found.

The woods surrounding the city are constantly patrolled by Chrysalis officials, and anything or anyone suspicious will be contained without hesitation. Resistance won't get a targeted person any effort points; agents have little tolerance for disobedience and might go as far as to permanently silence an offender that's too mouthy.

Because of this, no one is allowed in or out of the city for the duration of the lock-down. Communication over the network is also being heavily monitored, meaning that anything incriminating, suspicious or hinting at the supernatural that is posted on or commented about on the message boards or personal journals will have the CVCU knocking at your door. Those with something to hide should be extra-careful in what they post about for this reason. There will be consequences if you slip up.

Aside from all this excitement, Allupato is relatively quiet, save for a few bouts of confusion from straggling tourists. The temperature is keeping rather steady at a nice 73 degrees and there doesn't appear to be much in the forecast, aside from a few drizzles in the evening towards the end of the week. Locals are hesitant to go out and enjoy the nice weather, however, as the presence of officers all over the city is putting something of a damper on the fun.

A note to players: In your third-person threads on quaquenocte, please include somewhere in the thread description if you'd like a CVCU NPC to come and bother any of your characters. But, please keep in mind that the CVCU officers come in groups and are extremely hard to ward off on one's lonesome. Also, if playing with NPCs, please keep your character in check as far as their set strengths and weaknesses. It's tempting, but please don't try to Godmod the NPCs. That will just leave your character in a world of hurt.

With the city in lock-down, applications will be closed with the exception of those who have reserved prior to March 20th, and anyone who is reapping for a character that has been cut within the last week. When the lock-down is lifted, applications will be reopened.

If your character is the suspicious type and feels threatened by another character, they may make a call to Chrysalis Virus Containment Unit Hotline and place a request for assistance. A CVCU group will be sent out to deal with the threat mentioned.

And, if you need just a regular old NPC, consult the NPC request post!

As always, if anyone has questions about the events of this week, feel free to ask them on this post!

modpost, week five, week change

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