Question to Orlando: I can almost wrap around this but if it's possible (and it might not be?) could you give a bit more info on the paragraph above? I know some things have to be intuited and if that's the case here no problem. What I'm wondering is whether this is like a meditation thing or a not-doing or what steps someone might take to engage the active process. How would this long term commitment really work as to the ins and outs?
Things to consider, in no particular order, as we contemplate transcendence...
Most often, any long term process can only be viewed in hindsight, when one looks back over the bridge to see how the bridge was built. As I have told Della, you have to be immortal before you will know how to become immortal. What does that look like? Simply this: only after you have opened your eyes inside the double will the double be sufficiently real for you to begin creating it in the first place. Only when you have identified your desire will you be sufficiently motivated to manifest it.
Most important: there is an intuitive drive within each warrior that will determine the steps s/he takes with regard to her own path. If your predilection is to seek immortality, you can use that predilection as the driving force to determine the position of the assemblage point. Put another way, what you desire may be used with ruthless intent to manifest not only the 'object' of the desire, but to maintain the desire itself so that it does not go stale and lose itself in the process. If asked to bring this down into a more practical application, I would tell you this: seek what it is in your nature to seek and you will usually find it, or - more importantly - you will create it in the process of searching for it. Neo was not The One until he had reason to be The One.
This, too, is the essence of transcendence. Do not waste time seeking transcendence if you do not desire it. Do not waste energy pursuing things you THINK you should want, but may not want at all. What do YOU want? Of what do YOU Dream?
Is it a meditation or not-doing? That would depend on your predilection. I cannot tell you what to desire, nor how to desire it. What I can tell you is IF you desire transcendence or transmogrification, meditation and not-doing may serve as tools through which 'the way' reveals itself to you.
It has been said that spiritual matters cannot be 'reasoned out'. This is both true and untrue, but mostly it is a dangerous generalization. If you do not apply the energetic probe of thought to a question, it is possible (though not likely) that you may stumble over the answer somewhere down the road, but it leaves much to chance to assume that would be the case. And while it is also true that there may be no direct path to any direct answer, I have found it effective to focus on the question regularly and diligently so as to create a pathway for the answer to manifest. Put another way: think on the question but do not attempt to force an answer, while at the same time remaining open to the likely possibility that the answer will come only when you are not looking for it, and usually in ways that have no direct relation to the question itself.
Bollocks. Sandstorms. Cats with silver whiskers. Owlsong.
If you desire transcendence, focus your questions there - it is the artform of rubbing the energy of your intent against the fabric of the universe.
Transcendence: It begins with a thought. It continues with eliminating the programs which tell you it is not possible. It is accomplished by the literal transformation of desire into manifestation.
The Wright Brothers dreamed of flying.
Of what is your airplane made and how will you build it?
It begins with a thought...
December 26, 2009
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